Deposit Scams Advertised on Google

Grrrrr ... the link that Google provide, in their emails, to dispute their decision does not work. :mad::mad:. Another example of the awful approach that Google have with reporting and identifying scams (and not self-identifying scams on their side).

I have re-reported the advert to Google and used stronger and clearer language to explain.

I will also report the website to the CBI too for being an unauthorised deposit taker.
I looked at reporting the ad to Google. It states the advertiser is verified, a company called Moneda Capital PLC ( ). Was this the same company as the other sites?

There's no mention of Moneda on the European deposit site.
Sorry if this is a stupid question, surely the CB's everywhere have a department for following potential scams.

If they do have such a department - the CBI department are not proactive enough / perhaps only act on reports. Google is littered with scam deposit adverts - perhaps the CBI are not engaging with Google on this.
The CBI have responded with the following:

Thank you for your email and for bringing this matter to the attention of the Central Bank of Ireland (‘Central Bank’). The Central Bank can confirm that a website calling itself ‘European Deposits’ is not authorised by the Central Bank.

The Central Bank issued a warning notice regarding this comparison websites in June 2024 -

Please be advised that where a person deals with an unauthorised firm, there is no recourse to the Statutory Compensation Scheme or to the Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman. Furthermore, the Central Bank does not recoup monies lost by people who deal with unauthorised firms

You may wish to report this matter directly to your local Garda Station or to the Garda National Economic Crime Bureau at If you are provided with a Garda reference code (‘Pulse identification number’), please forward the PULSE reference details to us.

In addition, you may wish to report this matter directly to your banking provider.

We wish to notify you that we may disclose the information you provide to the Central Bank to External Third Party Organisations, as is necessary in furtherance of our investigations

Thank you for again for contacting the Central Bank.

Yours sincerely,

Unauthorised Providers Unit │ Enforcement Advisory Division
Central Bank of Ireland

Good news - CBI have already issued a warning about these scammers.

Bad news - Google continue to be inept and continue to show adverts from these scammers.

I have asked the CBI to contact Google - will see what they say.
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They are pretty good at hoovering up ad revenue though. I still recall when I first heard an IT expert explain to me "If you aren't paying Google, then you're the product, not the consumer".
So many of these scam websites popping up lately...I had someone cold call me offering to connect me with new deposits on a Revolut account. I laughed and hung up, these Fintechs would absolutely not be coldcalling someone to set up deposits - they´re not allowed to play broker or give financial advice I think
The Central Bank of Ireland have responded to my email about whether they should work with Google to stop these scams with the below:

Thank you for your email.

The Central Bank can assure you that any instance of alleged unauthorised activity that comes to the attention of the Central Bank is investigated in full and all statutory reporting obligations are complied with by the Central Bank over the course of its investigations. Additionally, in accordance with our statutory obligations of confidentiality, the Central Bank cannot provide any details on any of our ongoing investigations.

Thank you again for the information you have provided to the Central Bank.

Yours sincerely,

Unauthorised Providers Unit Enforcement Advisory Division

i.e. Will not say if they will take action or not.

Surely the CBI can state clearly at a high level as to whether they work with online platforms or not?

Meanwhile, Google have rejected my further complaints.

But Google seems to have removed the 'European Deposit' adverts (as far as I can see anyway) but still have scam adverts.

Not sure what else can be done to stop Google showing these scams as adverts?
Hi Lightning

The Central Bank is telling you that it has investigated these and probably issued warnings.

It uses its "statutory obligations of confidentiality" as a smokescreen to avoid discussing any issues with the public.

Bring it to the attention of the Oireachtas Finance Committee who will ask the Central Bank about it at their next visit.

This is shocking ... Google showing scam cryptocurrency advertisements featuring Michael Martin.

Google need to be forced to:
- Human reviews of all adverts before publication.
- Only accept financial adverts from firms that are authorized by the Central Bank of Ireland.
This is shocking ... Google showing scam cryptocurrency advertisements featuring Michael Martin.

Google need to be forced to:
- Human reviews of all adverts before publication.
- Only accept financial adverts from firms that are authorized by the Central Bank of Ireland.

Google used to be such a great search engine and now its gone to crap. I feel like people can just pay to have their websites pushed to the top, even if its a scam. They just care about money.

We need more regulation for this, especially in a world thats gone so digital