Saw staff stealing


Registered User
Mrs TVcabinet was in her hairdressers recently and is sure she saw one member of staff giving the nod to a junior member of staff to bring her handbag into the stockroom and put what looked like several tubes of hair colour into her handbag just before she left the salon for the evening - this was while the owner was busy with a client.

Ms TVCabinet is in a quandry about what to do! she has been going to this salon for a few years now and feels she should tell the owner but does not know how to approach him about it - she can't really walk into the salon and tell him in front of the staff.

Any advice in how to approach this would be welcome
In my local pub one night I saw this bar man appear to give out free drinks to a group of his friends and I felt a bit like you, wanting to report him, in hinsight I'm glad I kept my mouth well shut, for two reasons, the 1st being that I wasn't 100% sure he was on the fiddle and the 2nd as it turned out was that he was a very close friend of the owner.

So my advice would be to stay out of it.
It is very common for hairdressers to take stock. Most cases this is ok as i've never known anyone that works in a salon having to pay to get their hair done. Normally it would be done in the salon, but on occassions you would bring the products home.

The several tubes to me seems a bit much, it could be they were also doing other people hair as well.

It's very hard for a salon to keep track of the amount of stock they actually use. It could say in the book that 10 people got a colour done and it will say on their records what products were used but it wont say how much was used.

Of course if this is happening on a frequant basic then the owner should notice.

It's very hard for anyone to be in business at the moment, if it were me i would say something to him. If she didn't want anyone to know it was her then you could always write a letter or call up one day and speak to him directly.

If the staff are taking advantage i'm sure he will want to know about it.
To be honest, I don't think she has enough proof that anything was going on. If she saw it happening a few times it might be different. But she could find herself in an embarrassing situation if she said something was going on and it turned out to be entirely innocent. Also, it will be her word against the staff's. As someone has already said, if stock is disappearing regularly the owner should notice this.
In my local pub one night I saw this bar man appear to give out free drinks to a group of his friends and I felt a bit like you, wanting to report him, in hinsight I'm glad I kept my mouth well shut, for two reasons, the 1st being that I wasn't 100% sure he was on the fiddle and the 2nd as it turned out was that he was a very close friend of the owner.

So my advice would be to stay out of it.
+1. Unless your wife is absolutely certain that it was stealing that was going on, I believe she is better off not saying anything. I am not suggesting that she should condone wrongdoing, but what if it is a situation such as the one pudds has described. It could lead to huge embarassment if everything turned out to be aboveboard and she would have to change hair salons-something us ladies dont like doing when we find the right one. :)
Maybe just write a letter to the owner telling them what you saw and leave it to them to put CCTV in or to let it go etc. I would not leave your name for fear that the staff take it personally against you!
Suggest that you forget about it - could have been pre-agreed as mentioned. Also, once witnessed product being stolen in front of a shop staff member as I was waiting to pay. Mentioned it to the girl behind the counter and she shrugged it off. So later I picked up the phone to a senior person in the place who is an aquintance to ask about it and was told to mind my own business - felt a right fool! Also, no longer go back as my money is paying for product that is being nicked.......
If you can get chatting to the manager or owner, you could ask them how is business and tell them some made up story about a friend of yours who owns a cafe and found the staff taking stuff. Then you could say "it must be difficult to control stock in a busy shop like this".

Obviously this would be difficult in front of the staff.
