Age: 32
Spouse’s/Partner's age: 32
Annual gross income from employment or profession: Self Employed Contractor income 75k (45k Salary to self, 22.5k expenses, 7.5k stays in company)
Annual gross income spouse:65k - Radiographer
Expenditure pattern: In general are you spending more than you earn or are you saving? Savers - but not maxing the savings..
Rough estimate of value of home - N/A - Sold last december in Dublin to move down the country - Rent 800pm
Mortgage on home N/A
Mortgage provider: N/A
Type of mortgage: Tracker, interest only, fixed rate N/A
Interest rate N/A
Other borrowings – car loans/personal loans etc N/A
Do you pay off your full credit card balance each month? Yes, 1 card between us.
If not, what is the balance on your credit card? N/A
Savings and investments:
Northern Rock - €5k
Halifax Current account - 260k - Just pulled it out of Northern Rock earlier this week due to fears of not having access to it
Shares 3k - intel/vodafone
Shares 15k tied into company scheme for 2.5 more years to avoid tax
An Post Installment Savings - €500
Do you have a pension scheme? From previous employment ~20k
Spouse just started paying into company pension
Do you own any investment or other property? No
Ages of children:
1 Due in March
Life insurance:
Vivas only
What specific question do you have or what issues are of concern to you?
Having pulled the 250k from NR, I'd like to set myself up for the long term future but without a home yet I'm unsure what to do in the short term either. I'm thinking of only using 150k to buy a house of 350-400k but media has halted me buying. Then invest the rest but am not sure where. Contract job is only safe for ~9more months..