Savings contracts with Hibernian Life and pensions



Continued saving with 2 SSIA’s into international equities with Hibernian, saving €400 a month since April 07 (maturity of original SSIAs). Both SSIAs made just under €44k on maturity at April 07 after tax, we both saved €6k since then and total fund for both savings is now just 38k, Fund has tanked, down 19.6% year to date. Don’t know enough about investing, want to bail out and put money on deposit or elsewhere,

Any suggestions, thanks
If you bail out now you will definitely crystallise significant losses. Just curious - why did you choose such a (presumably high risk/reward/volatility) product in the first place? What is your investment timeframe/when will you need the money? Do you have other savings/investments that diversify your overall portfolio?
Clubman, many thanks,

fund chosen by broker, did not make decision. I want to bail out, but he us advising to weather the storm!
What I meant was why did you choose a unit linked (?) fund at all for your SSIA or thereafter?

And why did your broker choose a fund for you?
There are numerous other threads similar to this one. Browse back through Savings & Investments.

This one is about a different fund, but much of the advice and commentary is relevant to you.