What type of bank/an post account would you recommend getting for a kid to start saving a bit? Nothing major, of course, just a few euro weekly. Thanks,!
What type of bank/an post account would you recommend getting for a kid to start saving a bit? Nothing major, of course, just a few euro weekly. Thanks,!
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3.02% from €1 to €5,000
Note 1: Instant access
Note 2: Account can be opened by those under 12.
Note 3: €20 (gross) bonus added to the account after the first six months of saving. The one off bonus interest payment will be credited to the account 6 months from account opening if a minimum balance of €50 is saved and maintained in the account for the first 6 months from the date of account opening
Deposit Protection: Eligible Liabilities Guarantee, which is the Irish government bank guarantee scheme until at least December 31st 2011.
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3.02% from €1 to €5,000
Note 1: Instant access
Note 2: Account can be opened by those aged 12 to 17.
Note 3: €20 (gross) bonus added to the account after the first six months of saving. The one off bonus interest payment will be credited to the account 6 months from account opening if a minimum balance of €50 is saved and maintained in the account for the first 6 months from the date of account opening
Deposit Protection: Eligible Liabilities Guarantee, which is the Irish government bank guarantee scheme until at least December 31st 2011.
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3.00% from €1 to €20,000
1.50% on €20,000+
Note 1: Instant access
Note 2: Account aimed at children under 12 but can be opened by anyone.
Note 3: Interest paid annually on the first working day after 20th November.
Deposit Protection: Eligible Liabilities Guarantee, which is the Irish government bank guarantee scheme until at least December 31st 2011.
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3.00% from €1 to €20,000
0.10% on €20,000+
Note 1: Instant access
Note 2: Account aimed at 12-18 year olds.
Note 3: Interest paid annually on the first working day after 20th November.
Note 4: ATM card supplied with account.
Deposit Protection: Eligible Liabilities Guarantee, which is the Irish government bank guarantee scheme until at least December 31st 2011.
http://www.statesavings.ie/products/Pages/default.aspx (State Savings: ChildCare Plus and Investment Savings)
5 Years 3.37% (A normal deposit account would need to be paying 4.61% to match this rate because this product is not subject to DIRT at 27%)
Note 1: €120,000 maximum
Note 2: Early withdraw is possible but is subject to interest penalties.