Saving/Investing some money for children



Hi all,

Was looking to save/invest some money as a nest egg for the children.

My goals are to have something for them when they become adults around 18/21. Would also like to have access to it if needed before then, e.g. if needed for secondary school etc.

The children are quite young at the moment, one is 3 and the other 1.

Was looking at a few options:

1) the Halifax childrens savings a/c which seems to give a high rate for the current years savings and then park it in a 3% a/c after the year is up. It just seems to be a normal deposit a/c, so lowish return but good access.

2) a rabo investment a/c and pick one of the many funds available

3) the Quinn life fund specifically for the purpose of saving for the childrens future.

I suppose my questions are these:

Would I be better investing in deposit a/c or funds?
If funds what level of charges are reasonable?
Anyone know of any suitable products for squirreling away some money for the kids, long termish?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
The question of savings/investment options for kids is covered in several existing threads. For a timeframe of c. 20 years you really should at least consider putting some if not all of the money into a low charges unit linked equity fund. There are several threads including some key Savings & Investments forum posts on options in this context. Don't be unnecessarily distracted by specific products marketed as "childrens' savings plans" as invariably they are not really different to regular equivalents.