Saving from MS Word Web App Document


Registered User
I have a word document which opens in MS Word Web App. It's on my college website when I log in.

I'm wondering is there any way to open this just as a normal Word document so I can save it onto my PC?

There is a button which states "Open in Word", but when I click on it it states;
To open this document your computer must be running a supported version of Microsoft Word and a browser that supports opening files directly from the Office Web Apps.
Thank you
Have you tried right-clicking on the link and choosing "Save As", rather than opening the document in a new browser window?
Have you tried right-clicking on the link and choosing "Save As", rather than opening the document in a new browser window?
Just tried that there now, and when I right click no options at all pop-up as would usually be the case when right clicking.
And when you have the document opened in a browser window, can you not choose "Save As" from the File menu?
Just tried that.

It won't save it as a word document. It saves it as a WordViewer.aspx file.

When I save it, and try to open this file, it states;

Word Web App cannot open this document because there was a problem connecting to the server. Check your network connection and try again.
What happens if you manually rename that file from an .aspx to a .doc extension? Or right-click it and choose "Open With..." and then choose MS Word as the program?

Edit: anything here?
Thanks Dr Moriarty.

I've just got got it working by downloading the free trial of MS Office.

It must have been my very old edition of Office which was causing the problem.

Thanks again.