I Have a tracker mortgage of €135,000 with AIB.
Mortgage replayment this month was €744.51
(€856.50 - €111.99(int relief) ).
I Have 70,000 in cash broken down as follows:
*10,000 in Rabo Direct (5% on savings account)
*20,000 in First active e-saver account 5.22% AER variable
(4.07% for balances between €15,001 - €1,000,000).
*30,000 invested in shares
*10,000 in AIB regular saver accounts
Question is: Would I be better off paying a lump sum of 70,000 off my mortgage instead of saving?
Mortgage replayment this month was €744.51
(€856.50 - €111.99(int relief) ).
I Have 70,000 in cash broken down as follows:
*10,000 in Rabo Direct (5% on savings account)
*20,000 in First active e-saver account 5.22% AER variable
(4.07% for balances between €15,001 - €1,000,000).
*30,000 invested in shares
*10,000 in AIB regular saver accounts
Question is: Would I be better off paying a lump sum of 70,000 off my mortgage instead of saving?