Saturday night before the All Ireland


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heading to Dublin for the all ireland on saturday and at the mo have no tickets would anyone know a good pub to go to that I might have a chance of picking up a ticket. I know the Dubs will be demented with all the culchies coming up but sure a girl has to try!!!
Big Tree on Dorset Street or Gills on NCRd, prior to the match. Sunnybank Hotel night before.
Basically anywhere between The Big Tree and Quinns you'd have a chance of picking one up (This is on the Hogan side of Croker with the Big Tree being well the Canal End side [back towards city centre] of the pitch and Quinns at the Hill end). Basically walk the length of Dorset St. until you hit Clonliff Rd. (near Quinns) and keep the fingers crossed you get lucky.

I know Cork hurling fans have regular hang outs when in Croker and I'm sure Kilkenny ones will too (football fan myself from neither of these counties so can't help identify them). Hopefully someone may be able to point you in the direction of these specific pubs to help out.
Depending on who you want to sit with, put a jersey on you and stand outside heuston and start shouting for spare tickets from that morning. Tried and proven. Try not to have an inner city dublin accent on you when buying.