Satellite Dish Removal Request



I moved into my semi end terraced home about 3 mnths ago and have recently got a sky dish. I have now received a letter from the Builders requesting its removal and if not removed they shall seek legal advise. They sent a copy of the section in the contract mentioning that the lessor should not erect any aerials, cables or dishes on or at the block.
About 5 questions before and 5 questions after are directed to apartments and there is no mention of a house in these statements.

I also noticed in a previous posting the below..

([broken link removed]?

"....According to this communication,users should be free to use satellite dishes without undue technical,administrative,urban planning or tax obstacles."

My argument is 1) under contract law would the fact that block was mentioned an not a house deem this to be an ambiguous reference? sounds to me like the reference is made to apartments

2) should this not be an issue that the owner of the mortgage (bank) or residents take up as the builders have sold the property and has nothing to do with them.

The thing that gets me is the builders have supposedly a commission based agreement with another cable provider which I refused to get due to bad customer service and was informed at first that they were not providing the estate with the cable service....

I just dont understand why builders should have any sort of say in the social entertainment of the occupiers of a house....where is the logic??

Where do I stand and where do the builders stand?


Re: Satelitte Dish Removal Request

I think a block means anything. Maybe you can compromise with them. Get one of those dish covers or something.
Re: Satelitte Dish Removal Request

do u live in kill?
Re: Satelitte Dish Removal Request

TT1 said:
do u live in kill?
Funnily enough I have moved from Kill to sallins? Is there a similar situation there
Is it on front of house?
If yes it appears you need planning permission from council, see:
Apart from the general planning issues where an estate/apartment development is controlled by a management company (which is owned by the housholders) then additional restrictions on stuff like this can apply as part of the householder and/or rental leases.
So does this mean that it must be enforced by householders i.e. residents?
Usually it's enforced by the management agent on behalf of the management company (of which the householders are shareholders/owners) where an agent is employed by the company to carry out the day to day management of the development (a common enough approach). If they do decide to enforce the decision then they are most likely entitled to bill you for any costs incurred (e.g. in removing the equipment). Are you an owner occupier or a tenant? If you are a householder then you most likely signed a legally binding management company lease which sets out any restrictions in areas such as this.
Hopefully it's the management company contract that this prohibition appears...I have yet to sign anything from the management company yet!
Are you sure that you didn't sign something dealing with this when buying the property? Check with your solicitor or ask the mortgage lender for a look at the deeds and related legal material to verify.
yeah where i live in kill there is also a mgmt rule that prohibits sat dishes. therefore we have to go thru a private cable company to get sat tv (& basic tv as there is no ntl in estate), which is a rip off scam & also poor service. there's 3 houses in the estate that have sat dishes & they havent been told to take them down but residents seem to be not too pleased about it. the whole thing is completely stupid i think. obviously people think they're too posh for dishes now.
I'm in the same position re satellite Dish in Sallins. I checked with solicitor who wasn't really interested and advised me to take down the dish. There are about 5 houses on the block with dishes at the back of the house and I'm sure the builders did a deal with the cable company. I'd welcome any advice on this as it certainly restricts choice!
Householders and apartment owners in our estate have the same stipulation in their contract.

We received a letter from our management co. stating that satellite dishes had already been removed from the apartments and those in the houses would soon be receiving letters advising them to remove them.

While I don't have a problem with householders who erect satellite dishes to the rear of their houses (in fact, I see plenty of them from my kitchen window), I think satellite dishes are unsightly when placed on the front of the house and I'm glad that the management co. is enforcing its policy.

If you signed the contract, you don't really have any argument to make.
Doesn't the placement of a satellite dish on the front of any house go against planning regulations whereas the rear is normally ok? (as per Round Tuit's post)

Does your place have a garden? If so you can mount the satellite on a pole attached to a lump of concrete (two paving slabs attached together would probably do) and put it in your garden so long as your line of sight is ok. This should get around the management company's problem as technically it isn't attached to the building it will also probably be out of sight so they wouldn't know it was there.

The 'on or at the block' wording in the contract might cover my idea though. I agree that the wording is ambiguous.
I think the restriction of satellite dishes in apartment blocks is completely meaningless, not to say stupid and annoying. I bought an apartment and I am to move into it in a matter of weeks, and intend to erect a dish.
When signing contracts some 18 months ago, I asked my solicitor to get out the clause concerning satellite dishes, and he said it didn't really matter.
Since I come from abroad, the only way I can get stations I like is through satellite system, and no NTL or other cable provider can help.

So I am going to put the dish, if asked to take it down, I will lower it onto balcony floor. Someone mentioned a cover for dish?
I agree that they are ugly. Yet no one erects the dish to just embellish an apartment block
They are not about pretty! They are about communication and entertainment. I personally find some of the buildings that these satelite dishes are attached to very ugly but they won't be taken down for years.
I think I read once here, that there is some clause in the treaty of Rome that all home owners should be allowed access to satellite service where reasonable. This possibly opens it up to discussion.
Don't sky now offer a service for apartments where if you contact them and tell them where you live, they will talk to the other people in your block for you and if they get enough interest, will set up a satellite service for the apartment block. Saves every apartment getting an individual dish which does look ugly. I think I read this somewhere anyway!!!
Fair enough, if you want SKY. What if you want French channels and your neighbour happens to be Russian?
Is there any way to receive foreign channels without erectiig the dish?
If yes, please let me know