Sat Nav Error--Problem calculating route


Registered User
Hi I am just back from France and ran into a problem with my sat-nav (Tom-Tom) the village we were staying in the sat nav kept coming up with "error during planning" and could not give us the route to the village or to any place from the village, we kept having to drive to a place about five minutes from the village when it could calculate. any one come across this or now what to do to resolve it, the only alteration I think we have ever done ourselves is update a speed limit in this area last year, we didnt come across this problem last year when we did day trip to the area.
It was a major pain particularly at night time trying to find the way home!!

Definitely not, it did not matter where in France I was it just could not calculate the route to that village or at the village the route to anywhere else but while driving along with sat nav on with no route selectedit was naming every road etc right into the village, also everyone else's sat nav was working fine in the area!

No idea what causing the prob or how to rectify it but hoping to stay in same area again next year!!!!!!!!!!
I found the mapping on my TomTom One to be weak in rural Britanny - directing me up cart tracks, showing non-existent roads etc.

Some tips:
1. Before you travel, see if your satnav can find your destination through the usual address. If not, find the latitude and longitude of your destination through Google Maps and enter this as a favourite on your satnav. I had to do this for a rural gîte.
2. Otherwise, when you finally get to your destination (unknown by the satnav), save your current position as a favourite - that way you can navigate back to this position more easily.

the only alteration I think we have ever done ourselves is update a speed limit in this area last year


Can you please elaborate on the above? Did you use TomTom Home to do this? If you use TomTom Home, have you ever made a backup of your files? I am suspecting that you may have inadvertently corrupted a file on the device. This can be resolved by deleting all files from your device, and then re-installing them ( assuming you have saved them ).
Hi Gebel
No I used the sat nav itself to change it without going near tomtom home, but did as you suggested ie deleted and restored and that worked (seems to have anyway!!) I had consulted the tom tom page but have just reviewed the FAQ section......thanks for your help
I presume he is referring to MapShare re making the change to the speed limit.
It is a good idea to connect to TomTom home at least once a week.
As well as the software on your device been updated. Your maps are also updated with changes made by others.
TomTom home also dowload a GPS quick fix. This tells your device the location of the satelittes over the next 7 days. This help your device find your location more easily.
TomeTom home also has a back up & restore facility.