Saorview - deadline logo appearing despite having digital TV


Registered User
My parents pay for digital TV. I'm pretty sure the provider is UPC. However, the symbol that indicates the date of the saorview changeover deadline is appearing down the corner of the screen. I wonder has anybody else encountered this. My understanding that was that if you were currently paying for 'cable' TV, that the saorview changeover would have no impact. Is this not the case?
I think it's there for all to see - don't worry about it - it's not too intrusive and it probably needs to be there permanently as a reminder to the poor unfortunates (like myself) who are outside main city catchment areas, who are TV technophobes, and who will need 'the man' to come and sort out the problem on 24th October. The only think I would advise is that, if your parents need something sorted to allow them to continue with the terrestrial stations, then maybe you could help them do it now, before the rush on people capable of doing it.
Read something the other day that upc were further upgrading their fibre optic around the city and that it may have some effect on their analogue system, can't remember quite what exactly as doesn't effect me.

They are however trying to push customers over to their digital service which is close or near to same price for basic channels and maybe a few extra as standard.

The thing to watch out for is if you do 'go digital' then you will need an extra set top box STB to watch tv in another room if you want to watch a different channel to the one in main room.
I'm not sure about the specifics of UPC but I'm guessing you can still get the analogue signal through their service and this is what is being watched by your parents?

I have a SaorView approved TV but it still allows me to toggle between the analogue & digital versions of the broadcast. Incidentally the difference between them (particularly the HD broadcasts) is night and day!

Don't have UPC myself, so not too sure of their roll out - but if you receive digital tv, then you shouldn't have the "october 24th" showing up on the screen. I have a few TVs here, just one receiving digital at moment & no reminder, others show it up as they are still on analogue.

Anything on the UPC website re this? Have you checked their TV to verify that it's the "digital" channels they are mentioned by poster gianni above...