I believe that the Cental Bank have an agenda here and that is to "encourage" a significant reduction in the number of credit unions in existence in Ireland, from what I beleive to be circa 400 credit unions, down to perhaps as low as 100 credit unions (or even less). Clearly, the lower the number of credit unions, the easier the supervisory role becomes for the Central Bank (notwitstanding the obvious need to deal with badly run or badly funded Credit Unions which I consider an entirely seperate, but most important, matter).
It would be very interesting to see what would happen if members of a financially sound credit union (such as Sandymount, for example) were to demand that the credit union be closed and liquidated (rather than merged with Dundrum) with all net reserves distributed to the membership. Thereafter, if Sandyford Credit Union no longer existed, former memers could joint another credit union (perhaps Dundrum if it's area under the "common bond" now extended to include Sandymount).