Samsung Galaxy tab or appple I Pad


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Looking to but one of the above but dont know which one is better some people that i know have the i pad and swear by it but i have the smasung phone which i love.Have gone in to a computer shop and they are recommend the tobisha so now totaly confused on which to get any advise would be great
IMHO, the iPAD is the best such product and the others are competing for second place. The screen display/resoliution on the latest model is at least as good as the others and the range of apps in the app store is better than in Android Marketplace/Google Play.
I have an iPad and think it fantastic. But it is a matter of personal preference. As you already have a Samsung phone, you are familiar with the Android operating system which is a huge plus.

For those used to iOS, the change to Android can be jarring.

Other than the aesthetics and functionality of the operating systems, it come down to how the tablet feels in your hand (weight/shape/size etc.) and of course the all-important apps. Pretty much all of the popular and most sophisticated apps are on both platforms...
I have the samsung galaxy tab and I love it. I remeber seeing a post somehwere about the ipad v the tab and the one thing that stoood out is that the tab spports flash websites and the ipad doesn't. A lot more sites require flash now so therefore to me the tab is better.
Thanks for your advise i think i will just go for the samsung tab i have the phone and i do really like the samsung products