Salesman sold car under my nose even though we were there


Registered User
hi, sorry couldnt post in lettin of steam or shooting the breeze so just posted here.

Anyways, on Sat my partner and I had agreed with a sales man in a garage to go look at a car (we were very interested in it) my partner had been ringing all week to check things and the sales guy was nice and all and said ok come at half 10 sat morning.

My partner had taken the day of work as the garage was a long way away, we travelled nearly 2hours. we were about 10mins late due to traffic.

When we got there, there was another couple in the yard looking at all the car, then they approched the car we were interested in. The sales fella came over and said hi you must be ..... we said yeah. he said he'd be with us in a while he had to bring some people for a test drive.

So we were inside standing and oh off they all go in the car we came to look at, (at this stage we were inside standing waiting), no one offered us tea or anything (even though the receptionist was busy making her self tea) (didnt get offered a seat, or neither did anyone else come to speak to us or even say the sales guy would be back soon.

So then they came back and the coulpe proceeded to look round the car, sit in it,(usual stuff if you were buying a car)

I said to my partner lets just go he's obvisioulsly sold it to them. he said no they might want a new one. So we waiting another half an hour passed. Still standing there like lemons (my feet killing me).

The sales guy was in and out to a office and never once made contact with us. Then they went on another testdrive. We were so annoyed by this stage. Then the couple came in and gave him a credit card or something (must of being for deposit), then i heard hime saying see you's monday.

Then in another 5mins he came to us and said bad news the car is sold.

Like he knew this 45mins before he told us. He told my partner he would not sell the car untill we seen it.

I dunno, i just feel totally annoyed at the whole suitation. Has this happened to anybody else?

Then he was all excuses thats how it goes, not his fault. what a liar.
Sorry about the big long post just needed to get my anger out. We left in the end after having a good fight with the sales guy. I have tryed to look up somewhere where i could complain but cant find anything.

Like it just annoys me our time was wasted and my partner took the day of work.
His loss really because if he'd handled the situation better he may have been able to sell two cars...
Please do not try to get around the rules of the site.

"hi, sorry couldnt post in lettin of steam or shooting the breeze so just posted here. "
Thats because you don't have enough posts.
Blinkbelle: cross this garage off your list forever and tell your friends. might even post here town/area/dealership without actually naming them. This salesman was acting like builders do. he had a banker and if the other couple didnt pay the asking price, he had you. Nice for him.
Sorry, my previous post should have asked why the garage should not be named, not the actual salesman.
Joe1234 said:
Sorry, my previous post should have asked why the garage should not be named, not the actual salesman.
Because that might expose AAM, a privately owned site, to being sued.
It also breaches posting guideline 7, (No deformation).
Purple said:
Because that might expose AAM, a privately owned site, to being sued.
It also breaches posting guideline 7, (No deformation).

How can it be defamation if, assuming the OP isn't making up the story (and isn't a lazy journalist trying to create a story for themselves), the OP merely states facts about their experiences?

Surely they can back up their story by the fact that a certain other person bought the particular car on a particular date, and that if necessary, they could identify the person who bought the car, and the salesman that they bought the car from.

My understanding of defamation is a false statement which negatively affects someones standing and reputation. If it's a true statement that affects someone standing and reputation, based on that persons own actions, surely defamation doesn't even come into it.

However, I'll qualify all of the above by saying that given the OP only has 13 previous posts, I'm not looking for the OP to name and shame. However, if it was one of the more longer term members, I don't see that there'd be a problem.
How can it be defamation if, assuming the OP isn't making up the story
I'm not a moderator so I am open to correction but if parties were named there would be a risk of litigation. In this case I would guess that it is a very low risk but since AAM don’t have a legal team and is a free service I don’t think it is fair or practical to expect moderators to assess each post like this on a case by case basis.

It’s not about naming or shaming, IMHO if anyone wants to make specific public accusations against a business or individual they should also make their name public.

Again, the above is just my opinion.
The only person who is entitled to make a call on this 'name and shame' issue is Brendan. If someone wants to send him a PM asking for permission, fair enough, you are free to do so. Otherwise, can I ask that people PM the OP to ask for more details-please do not continue this 'name and shame' issue here.

Hi Ronan - Would you put your house on the line to cover the legal fees to defend the allegations of another poster, regardless of whether they have a track record or not?
a few years ago we named *******a holidays as bring particulary bad to deal with and also as far as I can recall a travel agent in Dublin whom a couple of aam posters were having difficulties with. No problem naming them then. But then the posters had been badly treated by these companies and could prove it.