Sales tricks - changing tyres



Just wondering if this is a common trick...

Viewed a car, agreed the sale, tyres were perfectly acceptable. Came back a few days later to collect it and didn't think to recheck the tyres before driving it away. But the next day I noticed the two front ones were pretty much heading towards the legal limit, compared to what had been on it the day I actually agreed the sale (weren't new tyres on it, but still had at least 5000miles left in them).

Have pulled them up on it without actually accusing, just 'wondering' what happened them...they can't 'understand' it but will replace them, but I've to drive a long way to get them, unless I can find a ridiculously low quote where I am. Feeling very peeved that I might have been caught out like this.
I've heard of that happening before. Make sure you also check the spare wheel and any other easily replaceable equipment.
Iv heard of this in a case of alloys (old used ones put on), luckily she had a printout of car on the internet stating alloys and photo of them. Garage said poor english of mechanic led to the mistake. A full check of a car on collection day is vital.

I once got caught over central locking, told year old car had it, didnt....