Sale of house and the fees that it may cost


Registered User
Does anyone know what i should expect to pay in fees for the sale of my house to a solicitor? I know i have to get BER cert but if i was to take that out what should the bottom line be for a solicitor in this recession hit year? Also say i got a bill that showed fees were too much for me to pay can i change solicitor and how do i get hold of deeds to house?

I am really in a mess at moment and need help please
Planning Search
Certified copy folio and filed plan
Copy instrument
Copy folio
BER Certificate
Commissioner for Oaths
Household Charge
Local Property Tax​
"Also say i got a bill that showed fees were too much for me to pay can i change solicitor and how do i get hold of deeds to house?"

Not following this at all.

Steps (involving solicitor) having agreed the sale

1. Ask solicitor to give a fee estimate. Likely to be c. €1,000 plus VAT = €1230.00
Outlays will be nominal - folio and file plan 40, copy instrument 40, Comm for Oaths - 25

How are you going to pay it? From sale proceeds presumably. If you cannot pay, the solicitor will not act.

2. You get the BER. Pay Household charge. Pay Local Property Tax.

3. You authorise solicitor to take up the Deeds from the Bank on Accountable Trust Receipt.

4. Solicitor issues contracts and sale proceeds. Solicitor deducts fees from proceeds.

Now, if what you are saying is that the process has not started then you need to find another solicitor . But if you cannot afford any solicitor? Well, who will act without being paid?

But if you can find another solicitor then the first solicitor will have to return the Deeds to the Bank and the new solicitor will then start the process.

Hello mf

I have spent the past 6 months getting the bank to allow me to sell house for 100,000 yet i owe 160,000. In the agree sale the bank have allowed me 1500 to pay for the cost of sale. The solicitor knew this but yesterday bill me for 2500 and this morning tells me his fee are just under the agreed 1500 and the rest is outlay costs that need paying. I have to come up with 500 now for him to continue as way of deposit but this will be taken from end bill. I have agreed with bank they will take all proceeds of sale so how can he refund me?

Should i get a new solicitor and who has deeds at this very moment
You need to find the money to pay either the current solicitor or a new solicitor. You cannot do this without a solicitor.

I know i need a solicitor but surely with my agreement with the bank i can get a solicitor to do it for 1500 all in?

Do you know who has deeds of my house now, bank or solicitor?
Your lender will keep the deeds of the house until the sale of the house is fully completed. A solicitor only holds deeds for clients when there is no mortgage on the property.
Has the house been sold yet?
Your lender will keep the deeds of the house until the sale of the house is fully completed. A solicitor only holds deeds for clients when there is no mortgage on the property.
Has the house been sold yet?

I have agreed with the buyer who is a cash buyer. I was in the stage of getting solicitors involved when i got this news from him yesterday evening and this morning when i went to his office

All i want to do is sell house to this lady. I cannot afford it now but i do not want it reposessed by bank. I would love it to make a home for someone

Do you think i would be able to get a new solicitor now
If I were you, I would ring around a few places and see what they are quoting. €1000 for outlays seems an awful lot.
I presume the solicitor has advised you that
1. The NPPR is due and the amount.
2. The LPT is due and the amount.
3. The charge for getting a BER Cert.

As I understand it you need to pay these. The next solicitor may well do the work for €1,500 but you will have to pays these yourself.
Out of interest how much of the €972 were those 3 alone?

BER 300 (i got a cash price yesterday for 120)
LPT 157 (i have only got to pay 45)
Not sure what you mean by NPPR , he reckeons household charge to be 200

Just off phone with bank and they shocked by his dealings and have told me to go to MABS
Am in a similar situation selling a house - investment property. What is the going rate now for basic fees? I am seeing variances from 800 to 1200 + vat.

I have a BER from three years ago so is that current enough ?

I have paid the NPPR and LPT ( by instalments ) so do I just supply them with these (online) documents to reduce costs ?

Does anyone charge percentages anymore...?
Just wondering on auctioneers requirements on receiving an offer.

I made an offer on a house two days before closing date ad requested by auctioneer, on receiving offer they said that sale was a bank sale and a quick sale. Two days later got a call to sale of as bank was dealing with org owner. It has now come to light that house was sold for lower amount than I offered and was wondering is there any way I cam find out if my offer was forwarded to bank, auctioneer won't tell me if he did or didn't?
If your offer was in writing or via email, contact the revenue. Effectively the house was sold below the open market rate and could be viewed as an attempt to lowered the stamp duty due.

Realistically "the owner" was probably trying to clear the mortgage at the lowest amount possible. You may get somewhere with the bank directly, but they don't really want bad PR so are unlikely to admit much.