We went sale agreed(no contract signed yet) on a 3 bedrooms house but survey carried out problem with the main roof covering.
It would cost about anything between EUR 15.000 - 25.000 to repair it correctly (called some roofing contractors to get quotes).
We would like to buy this house as it is nice and fit for our requirements except for the roof problem.
We have already got a reduction in price to go sale agreed during the current market conditions(however the roofing problem was not known by this time)
I guess the vendor won't believe the quotes I got from the contractor.
From other hand we are taking over the risk to repair the roof next summer by ourselves. So at least we are looking for some further price reduction.
What should I do? How should I approach this situation?
How much reduction in price should I request?
Or let the vendor knows about the problem and get her own quotes for the repair?
(I think this roofing problem will be recognized by any surveyor for any new buyer so the vendor is not in a winning situation to let this sale falling through and seeking for a new buyer - during current market conditions she may get lower price from a new buyer)
What I'm sure we are not going to buy without this additional repair cost accounted in the selling price.
Any advice is greatly welcomed.
Thanks in advance.