Salary Cert. Permanent or Full Time Employment


Registered User

I'm filling out a salary cert for a mortgage app. Can anyone explain the difference between permanent and full time employment?

I've been working full time for the same company for the past 7ish years. The accounts dept. thinks that I should tick both permanent and full time boxes but are not 100%. Can anyone advise??

Permanent means that you have a permanent contract, not a temporary one.

Full-time means that you work full-time, not part-time which I think is more than 32 hours a week. (I might be wrong about the exact number).

I'm filling out a salary cert for a mortgage app. Can anyone explain the difference between permanent and full time employment?

I've been working full time for the same company for the past 7ish years. The accounts dept. thinks that I should tick both permanent and full time boxes but are not 100%. Can anyone advise??


I would tick both. When I had to do a letter for AIB for my mortgage, I initially said that I was in full-time employment but they came back and said it needed to state that I was full-time permanent...