Safety Issue House Keys


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Can someone in health and safety answer why all modern house doors to the outside, that were manufactured for the last 10 years or more, need a key to get out. You can imagine if there was a fire and you had to look for the keys in an emergency, or the fire is where the keys are located. You also cannot use the keys on the outside if another has been left in the lock on the inside.
I'm not sure if the building regs specify any such detail for private dwellings. You should replace the standard Euro cylinder with a thumb turn variety. See here.
I suppose there's somewhat better security in needing a key to get out - many hall doors have windows beside them so breaking the glass and reaching to turn the lock makes it a very quick entry.

Probably best to tack a key onto the skirting board (along the floor) near to door, it if possible out of view and of easy reach from letter box. IN the event of a fire chances are you'll be crawling along the floor to minimise the smoke problem.