Safari in Kenya/Tanzania-then Zanzibar?


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just looking for anyones experiences of going on safari in Kenya or Tanzania or both combined.
Myself and a few mates are thinking of heading over in late June for a 5-7 day safari and then a similar number of days chilling out on a beach in either Mombasa or Zanzibar- am open to suggestions on which would be best for some good beaches as well as some night life.

I've read the previous posts on this here but they're a bit dated so just wondering has anyone out there some new updates or info to add. Thanks
Jambo! (swahili for hello!)

I did exactly that holiday a few years ago.
We spent 7 days on safari in Kenya and Tanzania and then went to Mombasa for 3 days and then Zanzibar for a week.

We safarid in the Serengeti and Norongoro Crater and Lake Tanganika (sp?) which was great.
As regards the beach part - we did not like Mombasa atall - full of tourists, touts, hassle from hawkers, run down, didnt feel safe at night etc. Would not go back.
In comparison Zanzibar was utterly amazing. (Note : I've heard in recent years it has gone more touristy, but was fine when we were there). We spend a few days in the east part of the island and visited Stone Town which is very interesting since there is a huge arab influence even though you are in Africa - strange to see arab-loking people speaking swahili! There is loads to see in the town (colonial buildings, slave dungeons, Freddy Mercury's birthhouse) and the beaches are wonderful. You can do trips to neighbouring islands too. Then we went to the west part of the island - feels much more remote, since the road to get there is very rutted and basic. The beaches were spectacular, with fabulous diving.
I would love to go back to Zanzibar (even though I havnt heard as positive feedback from people who have been there more recently).
One last thought - the nightlife is prob more lively in Mombasa - Zanzibar was pretty quiet on that front.

For a bunch of lads, I'd say Zanzibar would be too quiet. Evening entertainment is all in the hotels, no transport after dark. Definetely great beaches though.

Mombassa sure does have it's touts - they'll try to sell you anything & everything. If you can cope with that, you'll find much more fun in the evenings there.
hows it goin ive been to kenya a few times between nairobi and mombasa also i've been to zanzibar. i agree with the last comment saying that if you're a group of lads zanzibar is a bit on the quiet side but a beautiful place.

if going to nairobi get a taxi after night fall as its nick name is nairobbery if socialising go to the florida nightclub or the new florida. its tacky but its great crack lads. i hope you're all wearing you're overcoats maybe 2 are required if youre after the ladies, but you'll get so sick of the ladies flooding around you you will just sigh with relief for a bit of quietness and a pint

then try savuka travel for going on the best safaris. my reccommendations would be not to go on one for more than 3 days cause after seeing the first 100 lions or cheetahs youll just want to sigh and believe me i love nature and animals try not to go to one of the lodges if you want an authentic experience.

then try to get the overnight train to mombasa and go to the southside of the city near diani beach. mombasa is another tacky place but great crack you have the florida nightclub here too and the droves of ladies asking you to get married. there is nightclubs all over the place down near diani beach all native ones of course.

the beer is called tusker and is really good so lads go have the crack and a laugh. i did and survived to buy the tshirt
thanks for the help. had heard mombasa was a bit sleazy allright and so was half thinking of zanzibar, but if it's all couply....