Sacked for sending emails


Registered User
Just reading the paper regarding the people who got sacked for sending around adult porn emails in their work place. Is there not an issue that this material was openly available to them, ie internet at their finger nails, I read some where before in relation to a guy who was working in place that printed money and he was caught taking some home. His case for not been arrested and sent to jail had some thing to do with been there all around him, I know there is a term for it just cant think of it, Something along the lines if you put a child in a sweet shop and tell her not to eat any sweets she will most likely give in to her desires.
But if you're contract of employment specifically states "Don't send dodgy e-mails, or you'll be fired", you can't really have any complaints about getting fired after sending dodgy e-mails.
A key issue here is the organisation's internet use policy. If it clearly states that certain uses (e.g. the sending of porno emails) are not allowed then the company can use the relevant disciplinary procedures. For example if certain breaches of such guidelines are deemed gross misconduct then it may be possible to sack the employee there and then. Or course such contractual issues are always subject to scrutiny under employee rights laws. There are also issues to do with the rights of other employees (e.g. not to be exposed to inappropriate material). According to what I read all affected employess in this case have a right of appeal to the company. They could also take the matter to the Labour Court if they feel that they have a legitimate case.
Something along the lines if you put a child in a sweet shop and tell her not to eat any sweets she will most likely give in to her desires.
One would hope that adult employees were mature enough to have more cop on and personal responsibility than that.
I read some where before in relation to a guy who was working in place that printed money and he was caught taking some home...
Wasn't there a recent (last few years) case of an employee of a company in the Temple Bar area receiving compensation, after he was fired for viewing porn at work, because either the disciplinary or internet usage policies were not clear or adhered to.
I wonder what the situation would be if you recieved such an e-mail from someone outside the company but did not forward it and deleted it immediately. Would you still be liable for viewing it on a company computer?
Dont know can I say name the company here but I know for fact that people who work in a place where money is made, , cash which comes back in to the company after to much use with the public is recycled and some cash destroyed and some put back into the public if it passes the checks,there have been people caught taking this cash and not all got the sack. If you have a person who is under pressure with bills etc and then there is all this cash in front of them there is a chance they will take it. I wish I could think of the term

I think I know what you're getting at (will try a Google later) - but once again

If you have a person who is under pressure with bills etc and then there is all this cash in front of them there is a chance they will take it
This applies to just about every cash handling business in the country, including banks and shops. In that case it's called 'breach of trust' and theft.

In reply to gearoidm - you cannot be penalised for emails you innocently receive. However, if you then forwarded it to all your mates in work - that would be different, even if the original email was unsolicited.
gearoidmm said:
I wonder what the situation would be if you recieved such an e-mail from someone outside the company but did not forward it and deleted it immediately. Would you still be liable for viewing it on a company computer?

Companies I've worked with had it as part of their e-mail usage policy that such e-mails should be reported to IT Security, and you were required to mail back the sender, cc'ing IT Security, requesting that such e-mails never be sent again.

Not reporting such e-mails being sent to you was also a disciplinary matter, though not gross misconduct.
dodo said:
Dont know can I say name the company here but I know for fact that people who work in a place where money is made, , cash which comes back in to the company after to much use with the public is recycled and some cash destroyed and some put back into the public if it passes the checks,there have been people caught taking this cash and not all got the sack. If you have a person who is under pressure with bills etc and then there is all this cash in front of them there is a chance they will take it. I wish I could think of the term

This sounds like an urban legend to be honest. A company could opt not to pursue charges and/or sack someone who steals from them but a company in this line of business would be extremely stupid to choose such a course of action, what would deter their employees from stealing if they were so lax? The situation described sounds like theft pure and simple but without a complaint I'm not sure the theft could be prosecuted. If it were to be prosecuted and the theft was proved then the employee would be convicted, personal circumstances such as difficulty with bills might be of some relevance in mitigation when it comes to sentencing (i.e receiving a lighter sentence than someone who steals to live the high life).
ronan_d_john said:
Companies I've worked with had it as part of their e-mail usage policy that such e-mails should be reported to IT Security, and you were required to mail back the sender, cc'ing IT Security, requesting that such e-mails never be sent again.

Not reporting such e-mails being sent to you was also a disciplinary matter, though not gross misconduct.

Given the amount of spam that some people receive and the fact that often if could be considered obscene this could prove very time consuming. It would probably be more practical to apply this to unsolicited emails from known senders e.g. if your mate sends you a dodgy email.
I worked in this company and I know the people involved
dam099 said:
This sounds like an urban legend to be honest. A company could opt not to pursue charges and/or sack someone who steals from them but a company in this line of business would be extremely stupid to choose such a course of action, what would deter their employees from stealing if they were so lax? The situation described sounds like theft pure and simple but without a complaint I'm not sure the theft could be prosecuted. If it were to be prosecuted and the theft was proved then the employee would be convicted, personal circumstances such as difficulty with bills might be of some relevance in mitigation when it comes to sentencing (i.e receiving a lighter sentence than someone who steals to live the high life).
This doesn't add up - and I don't mean the company's turnover!
dodo said:
I read some where before in relation to a guy who was working in place that printed money and he was caught taking some home.
dodo said:
I know for fact that people who work in a place where money is made, , cash which comes back in to the company after to much use with the public is recycled and some cash destroyed and some put back into the public if it passes the checks,there have been people caught taking this cash and not all got the sack.
dodo said:
I worked in this company and I know the people involved
dam099 said:
Given the amount of spam that some people receive and the fact that often if could be considered obscene this could prove very time consuming. It would probably be more practical to apply this to unsolicited emails from known senders e.g. if your mate sends you a dodgy email.

Apologies, this was indeed reserved to mailing people that you knew who sent you such stuff. In my mind, this was implied because given the spam prevention methods employed, spam was never an issue, so it was only ever people that you knew that would be of concern.
I did not want to say from the outset in case it could be wrong to mention it here , so i put in the situation as 3 rd person I heard type of thing , But I know that people have been caught red handed and kept their jobs, 2 reasons one already said in dept, also company would not want it in the media, also I loved the link
ClubMan said:
This doesn't add up - and I don't mean the company's turnover!
dodo, the only place in Ireland that screens used noted and shreads or recirculates them in the central bank facility in Sandyford in Dublin. No private company in Ireland, or anywhere that I know of, is ever used for this service. Is it always the reserve of the central bank/ Mint.
S basically money is made in a mint. the mint is run by the central bank and the central bank is controlled by the government. Saying that you won't give the name of the place is like saying "I know this place where taxes are collected for central government, but I'm not giving names".
Well if you are right is that something that I could say here, remember the mint is only the place where the coins are made the other been called the print
Purple said:
dodo, the only place in Ireland that screens used noted and shreads or recirculates them in the central bank facility in Sandyford in Dublin. No private company in Ireland, or anywhere that I know of, is ever used for this service. Is it always the reserve of the central bank/ Mint.
S basically money is made in a mint. the mint is run by the central bank and the central bank is controlled by the government. Saying that you won't give the name of the place is like saying "I know this place where taxes are collected for central government, but I'm not giving names".
dodo said:
Well if you are right is that something that I could say here, remember the mint is only the place where the coins are made the other been called the print
Huh!? :confused: