S&P 500 Index Fund- VFINX


Registered User
Years ago when I was living in the US I bought shares in VFINX which have done very well for me.
I'm now back in Ireland and would like to purchase more VFINX using a broker like Davys. They don't seem to be able to find this exact fund, VFINX, but are suggesting VOO.
I just assumed I would be able to buy share in the same fund, which I know and understand.
(I don't want to purchase in the US, even if I could at this point, because of the exchange rate and other concerns, I'm trying to keep things simple for myself)
My question is can I purchase VFINX in Ireland through a broker?
You usually have to ask the broker if they offer the particular product.
If not they may set it up in their system for you.
I use AIB online share dealing and I have asked them to set up a few ETF's for me. Then I can buy then online anytime.
My question is can I purchase VFINX in Ireland through a broker?

To the best of my knowledge that is a product offered only in the US. Probably then nearest you will get is this ETF. However the tax treatment is different in Ireland, so I'll let someone else comment on that.