Ryder Cup Security


Registered User

Trying to go on Sunday with tickets in wife's name...have sent all the emails and no reply from the bozos who run it...anyone have any info on people in the same predicament as mise and how they got on today???

Thanks in advance...


Have gone through that thread thanks, just wondering if anyone ran into trouble today.....


I went yesterday...There was a number on my ticket..No name..and although it was 'registered' in my name they had no way (or didn't bother) checking it at the gate. They literally had a quick peek at the ticket which was hanging from my slender neck and did the same with my drivers licence. To be honest, the only real 'check' was the airport-like metal detector's across the road from the K-Club entrance. Is there a name or just a number on the ticket you have ?

According to a blog on the BBC the ticket checking is assiduous.

"In the north car park, there were queues to even join the main queue. The reason? A handful of staff had to check every individual’s ID corresponded with the name on their ticket."

Unless they relax it beween now and Sunday, you may have to become a transvestite.
My wife's name is on the ticket....I am bringing her passport and also a letter from her, plus all email corresponsance...If I didn't love golf so much I wouldn't be bothered!!! We better win now!!!
Thanks r2d2...was wondering how they were gonna match 40k visitors efficiently!

I was there today, and they diligently checked our tickets against our ID. I even swapped my ticket with my wifes as a test, but they noticed that the ID did not match the ticket name, and they were not taking any excuses, so we had to swap back.

They checked ID against tickets at the following locations;
  • Before getting on the buses at the park and ride.
  • At the metal detectors at the bus drop off.
  • Spot checks on the road between the metal detectors and the K Club entrance.
I would be interested in knowing if somebody got in without matching ID/Tickets, as I have been offered a ticket for sunday as a gift.
Mrs Runner and myself went through process today.
Checks on tickets are everywhere, but only one check on ID at the entrance to course. In both our cases they only checked that the ID Photo was correct, never looked at the name on the ID OR on the ticket.
Maybe different on main days. Have heard that supervisors have accepted/approved pass through no problem where family members have tickets in other sibling names. Reckon uve a good chances of being ok. Naturally, they will not say this themselves...
Thanks a mil....given all the traffic issues etc...I'd hate to travel down (from Dublin) and be turned away. The oul fella's coming up to from Cork to go with me so fingers crossed....might watch MI 2 Sat night for some ideas!
At the press conference a few weeks ago the local garda in charge said discression would be used...
I was there yesterday with a corp hospitality ticket.
My name was not on the ticket - it was a number - they looked at my driving lic but could not check name against ticket.
So if you have a ticket without a name on it you should be ok.