Ryanair's proposed takeover of Aer Lingus


Registered User
Just following on from another thread and the differences between the two airlines, would it be a good thing for this takeover to go ahead as Aer Lingus would probably be run in the same fashion as Ryanair?

Ryanair have done great work in reducing fares but are not always the best to travel with families and with a monopoly could increase prices.
Alternatively, they could apply a low cost model to the transatlantic flights currently covered by AL and these might become more affordable.
Interesting question - personally I don't think they would simply turn Aer Lingus into Ryanair (and will most likely never receive EU competition clearance)
lets hope and pray they never do!

At Mass last Sunday when the priest asked "Now a prayer for your own thoughts" the proposed takeover of Aer Lingus by Ryanair came to my mind. Please God, don't let it happen . . .
I hope it doesn't happen. I always fly with Aer Lingus and fearing for the worst if Ryanair gets the take over ok.
I don't see it making much of a difference. Where they compete (in Europe) they are both low-cost bedget airlines with bad customer service and rude ground staff.
Aer Lingus trans-Atlantic service is good.
I don't see it making much of a difference. Where they compete (in Europe) they are both low-cost bedget airlines with bad customer service and rude ground staff.
Aer Lingus trans-Atlantic service is good.

And rude customers.

Was on an AL flight at the weekend. One woman who wanted something from a member of the crew pulled at her skirt until she turned around even though she was dealing with someone else. When the cabin crew member asked to ring her bell and not physically touch staff, she told her to lose the attitude and did she not know the customer was always right.

There was then the person who wanted to move seats nearer to the front but the flight was full. The cabin crew said they would see what they could do but couldn't find anyone willing to change seats. I then had to witness the poor member of staff get a 5 minute lecture about how this passenger was a gold cirlce member (as is almost everyone) and they will never fly Aer Lingus again.

This was not an isolated incident. Never fails to amaze me how many pig ignorant people get on planes.

I agree with you. I often wonder at what stage people start finding it acceptable to not treat others with respect.

Good Lord, that is ignorance at it's finest.
I don't see it making much of a difference. Where they compete (in Europe) they are both low-cost bedget airlines with bad customer service and rude ground staff.
Aer Lingus trans-Atlantic service is good.

Good Lord, I must be very lucky then, regularly fly Aer Lingus to Europe (and recently to the US). Never really have any issue with the ground staff or the cabin crew, generally find them professional, courteous and friendly. Also rarely have to witness any bad manners from customers. Occasional individuals who don't listen to straightforward instructions (large bags overhead, wheelie bags in wheels first, coats on top of bags ...) but rarely the divas you were "entertained" by sunny.

Less frequently fly RyanAir - hate the garish interior, the annoying adverts, the protracted online check-in, the constant queuing and the less than comfortable seats - generally find the staff professional and courteous (though there are exceptions, most people are doing their job well) but I do notice the cabin crew tend to be more harried and less inclined to respond to a smile. That is the bit I like least.
I would also disagree with Purple's view - but accept he seems to fly a little more than me. I will always go AL over Ryanair assuming the price discrepancy isn't too large, as the service is almost always better.

When I fly Ryanair I know what I am getting so don't stress about it, but as a previous poster said, the excess queuing, horrible seats etc etc just make it a non-pleasant journey.