Ryanair - will I be charged to check in?


Registered User
I booked flights back in January and paid the extra charge for luggage. I know they have now introduced a charge for checking in but I thought that was that was for bookings made after some date in March. Someone has now put a doubt in mind as to whether I will be hit with extra costs to check in the luggage - I'd appreiciate if anyone could clarify this as I am flying tomorrow morning.

I had thought that once you add check in luggage the airport check in was included as a default in the booking?

On a few occasions I've had flights with no check in luggage and online check in for the booking (and associated payment). As a result of last minute changes to plans I've then ended up checking in luggage at the airport and going for airport check in as a result, but with only the luggage charge being requested (so saving on the airport check in fee). This has happened on more than one occasion to me in the past, so you might get lucky in a similiar situation.
Not sure what all then exclamation marks are for? Have YOU ever tried rining Ryanair?


No, and i've no doubt its a pain in the a$$ but surely the most reliable source of this type of information....the exclamation marks, just for effect!!!!!
No, and i've no doubt its a pain in the a$$ but surely the most reliable source of this type of information....the exclamation marks, just for effect!!!!!

With that smiley.... you're not actually Michael O'Leary are you?
From Ryanair's own website: [broken link removed]

What is the airport check-in fee?

Passengers who check in at the airport are subject to Airport Check-In fees at the time of reservation (). These fees are non refundable Passengers are reminded to check-in within the recommended time before departure if carrying baggage. We recommend that you check-in two hours prior to scheduled departure
Have you tried ringing Ryanair to ask them?!!

Flanders, if everyone took that approach, there would be no point of discussion boards like this. I find a lot of people on here post responses like yours above...or 'why dont you google it'
while you have a valid point that it is the best place to get the exact info, id imagine the poster was looking for people on here who might know to save him going to the trouble of ringing the best customer service team in ireland that is ryanair.

apologies for my rant... just got one or two similar replies myself that were of no use to my questions. i guess iv just become your homer simpson!
I recently had to call ryanair to get info - it is a major pain
AND they charge you - isn't this website supposed to make our lives easier!!!
AT least some ryanair calls are at premium rate.
I recently booked flights with ryanair and I think I opted for online check in.
However when I got my itinerary, there was no mention or promp about the check in.Indeed it was suggested that I BRING MY PASSPORT AND confirmation number.
knowing ryanair as I do, I suspect that I should now check in on line.
How much does it cost to check in at the airport.
Also does one need a printer for to check in online?
One does need a printer to check in online. Not so much for the check in itself but rather to get the boarding card. Ryanair have yet to introduce automated checkin in any airport (although I heard rumour they have been in a bunfight with Aer Rianta over the cost of being allowed to install machines)