Ryanair value for money


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Re: change in Ryanair priority boarding rules ?

I think paying for priority boarding is mad but no better company than Ryanair to charge a premium for this.
Some more facts about Ryanair
1-They are already the most profitable airline in the world-they make about €1000 avg net profit per take off-work it out per flight per day. Along with a safe take off and landing this is their goal for every flight.
2-They made £30m profit from non refunded travel taxes in 2005
3-They are not the cheapest to fly with-anywhere
4-They dont offer good value for money
5-They dont care about customers-ie they have an virtual monopolistic attitude to customer service.
6-Their goal is to devise more and more ways to make profit from flying its customers
7-They dont pay a cash dividend to shareholders
8-Only for equality rules they would charge customers per kilo to travel-so a slim person with lots of luggage may end up paying less than a not so trim person with no baggage. Its all about weight
9-On board toilets-at 1L of fuel per flush -how long before you have to pay per flush!
10-If they could they would insist in pilots having their own planes-everybody else in transport is doing it.
Re: change in Ryanair priority boarding rules ?

Not sure what personal axe you have to grind with Ryanair.

I travel with them frequently & have no problem whatsoever. I frequently travel alone so I can get on at the last minute & quite often get a seat up near the front because people tend to sit in groups of 2.

Is it a major problem if you cannot sit beside your fellow traveller for all of what must be a max of 4hours ? If it's a long haul flight yes it's important to be seated with your friends but for these short hops ?

Yes, you might have to pay for the extras but at least it gives you a choice. On a recent trip to Berlin, Ryanair were €80 cheaper than Air Lingus & that's for a solo passenger.
I think that would have paid a few of the extras if I had wanted them!
Re: change in Ryanair priority boarding rules ?

Not sure what personal axe you have to grind with Ryanair.Just saying facts.
I would not be too quick to judge any airline by one cheap fair.Good for you if you got a good deal by shopping around. You would not believe the amount of people that believe tht Ryanair are the cheapest without doing price comparison. The facts are that while Ryanair have a lot of customers they also have a larger proportionate number of complaints than other airlines. And by the way the justification that they fly people cheaply does not explain why they have no customer service especailly when some of the complainants have paid a huge fare at short notice-often paying more than flag carriers slagged of by Ryanair for charging high fares...
i dont dislike Ryanair-its just a so annoying that they slag of other airlines for doing what they do-demand pricing!
Re: change in Ryanair priority boarding rules ?

I think we all know that all airlines charge very different fares for the same flights. It's all a matter of timing. The last minute traveller is subsidising the cheaper seats.....we all know this has been going on for years.

What I like about Ryanair is that they're honest. They don't make promises they don't keep. Also they've never lost my luggage - which two other national carriers have managed to do.

You pay your money & you make your choice.
Re: change in Ryanair priority boarding rules ?

I prefer to fly with Aer Lingus, I think mainly because I know where I will be sitting when I board the plane, but I have to say that Ryanair is beating them every time on price. Perplexed said that Ryanair were €80 cheaper than Aer Lingus on a recent flight to Berlin, both myself and my wife travelled return to Berlin in December for circa €88. We are heading off to Sardinia in March for a similar price. I am prepared to put up with some discomforts for these prices. Also when I arrive at the other end there is often a Ryanair bus available to me to travel to the city, something Aer Lingus don't bother with. Yes, I know that they sometimes use different airports etc but you can be dropped in to the city centre hassle free. Then it's just a matter of choosing a nearby hotel.
I thought we had decided that the whole Ryanair v Aer SIPTU Lingus debate had been flogged to death here on AAM and that there were other forums more suitable to that discussion (ryan-be-fair.org, etc.) where people held very strong views that would not be changed. Much like the debate about where to get your car serviced: do you go to a main dealer or to "a guy I know who'll do it for fifty quid". People with strong views like that are unlikely to be swayed.
I've been on a few of the new Ryanair planes recently. I guess they may have been the ones that Mick O'Leary ordered on the cheap in a huge blaze of publicity after September 11. You can see how they cut back on cost on simple things. No pockets in the seat in front (and saftey instructions printed on headrest in front). No possibility of leaning the seat back. No adjustable headrest on the top of the seat.

It's the last point that gets me. The seat back is moulded for the average person. If you're tall, then the part that supports other people's necks, digs into your shoulders, making the seat very uncomfortable. For that reason alone, I'd happly pay an extra €20 or so for Aerlingus flights. And often, the prices are comparible. However if the Ryanair flight is significantly cheaper, then I'll put up with the discomfort.

Regarding the OP's points, I agree that many people just assume that Ryanair will be cheaper, and forget to compare with (ex-) national flag carriers, or forget to add on the luggage surcharge, credit card surcharge or excess luggage charge for over 15 kg (compared to 20 kg on most other lines).
I always have found Ryanair seats just as comfortable as Air Lingus. Ryanair however are more punctual than Air Lingus and lose less baggage. These are important points. Ryanair staff tend to have more of a vested interest in their airline than Air Lingus staff in the past, so Ryanair staff are friendlier and not as snooty.

Fair play to Michael O'Leary and Ryanair. I will never forget having to pay Air Lingus £ 200 to fly to England in the early eighties, when £ 200 was a hell of a lot of money.
I seem to have become the OP here but I did not start this thread. The list posted by me was a response to another posters thread on Ryanair charging for priority boarding and other charges. I am a bit confused as to how I have suddenly started a new thread.
For the record Ryanair have changed the market, to the benifit of all. Flying will never be the same again. However I do not believe they have transparent pricing policies. I also dislike their approach to customer service. They make an offer of a flight, to a destination, at a price tehy are happy to sell at. If a problem arrises with any asoect of that service they are wrong to use as their defence that you only paid €small amount for your ticket. Point is they sold it for that and the customer did not force them to sell it. They have an obligation to provide customer service to their customers-as part of the contract created by the purchase. The fact that they have condititions negating their liiability shows that they dont care about customers. By way of a joke I say they should save even more paper and money and just have one term and condition-"it will never be our fault-you could have flown with another airline-but chose us-so tough!"
I seem to have become the OP here but I did not start this thread. The list posted by me was a response to another posters thread on Ryanair charging for priority boarding and other charges. I am a bit confused as to how I have suddenly started a new thread.

Your post and some of the responses were split from the original thread, which was about priority boarding and not Ryanair in general.
There are a lot of people constantly complaining about Ryanair...and still using this airline.

If you do not like them, then don't use them.
If they are not the cheapest, then use another airline.
etc....the list goes on and on an on.

I personaly use then very regularly, and never have had a complaint about them... i get what i paid for: cheap fly from A to B. I don't care about the no-smile stewards, pay for your tea, pay for your newpaper, pay for your food... BTW this is not much different than on Aer Lingus

I always price my flights with al least Ryanair and AerLingus when possible... from my experience, very rarely Aer Lingus beats Ryanair on price, and on average Aer is twice the price to Ryanair. I have rarely been delayed with Ryanair, but very often with Aerlingus.
There are a lot of people constantly complaining about Ryanair...and still using this airline. ....................

And they are perfectly entitled to complain about the level of service.

I detest the Ryanair way. I had experience of their pathetic Customer Service some three years ago and haven't used them since. They are, for me, the airline of last resort.
Its great we have choice now anyway. Air Lingus are for me the airline of last resort, and CIE the transportation means of last resort.
And they are perfectly entitled to complain about the level of service.

Sure.. but is it not a bit daft to keep using a service while complaining about it each time ?? These passengers are loosing credibility in my opinion..

And if Ryanair was not present on the market .. people would be complaining (I guess we are dealing with human nature) to AerLingus about prices.. A cheap Dublin-Paris flight in the mid-nineties was £163/€204 !!!, and i have paid up to £495 for these flights

As i said
If you do not like them, then don't use them.
I've been more often delayed with Ryanair than any other airline. In saying that in the 20 or so times I've used Germanwings I've been delayed take off or landing 3 times, which was a pain but nothing too bad. 4 years ago I went to Germany via Brussels fora conference and took my Mam along for a break. On the return flight we were left sitting in the departure lounge for 5 hours after Feyenoord fans were ordered off a Ryanair flight to Glasgow for being too noisy (they were playing Rangers), there were no announcements, no Ryanair staff "available" and they wouldn't even begin to tell us how long we would wait. It then transpired (mid-flight) that we were first going to Glasgow with passengers who didn't go earlier and after another long delay there got to Dublin in the early hours. In the time since I've flown one time with the company when there was no other choice. Business is business but they might be a little more professional (and therefore efficient) when doing so.
Sure.. but is it not a bit daft to keep using a service while complaining about it each time ?? These passengers are loosing [sic] credibility in my opinion........................
As i said

If Ryanair happen to be the only airline servicing the desired destination then the customer might not have a choice. People use the M50 every day and have the right to complain. Anyone using a service is entitled to complain. How, exactly, are they losing (correct sp) credibility? If there's a problem and they highlight it, they are correct.

And if Ryanair was not present on the market .. people would be complaining (I guess we are dealing with human nature) to AerLingus about prices.. A cheap Dublin-Paris flight in the mid-nineties was £163/€204 !!!, and i have paid up to £495 for these flights


Not necessarily true. Who's to say what the situation would be? BMI might be stronger (actually flying to London, or Paris), or the likes of EASYJET might be in the market. I seriously doubt we'd only have one airline out of Dublin.

Either way, RYANAIR "Customer Service" is diabolical.

(BTW, in 1984 a 20 inch Colour TV was 500punts, that's e635, over 5 times what you would get one for today.)
out of curiosity I checked the ryanair site just now for flight delays. about 40 out of hundreds of flights. only two over an hour. and one of those was for offloading bags at dublin as some passenger turned up late! I remember being quoted over £200 for an adult and £100 for a child in the early 80's to Heathrow by A/L and going from Belfast for half that amount with British Midland with the child (under 3 on domestic routes) free. remember the Tesco flight deals a few years ago. even with stamps or coupons they were still way way more expensive than the current fares. but a lot cheaper than the 'regular' fares quoted by A/L. as for comfort. recently flew on a journey with a national carrier. Leather Seats. So unfomfortable it was unreal. Aer Lingus are now as good as any. and its a lot to do with Ryanair.
I stumbled on Ryanair's [broken link removed] this morning. Some are quite hilarious!

Dear Sirs,

Last Saturday, together with my team mates, we flew from Rome Ciampino to Milan Bergamo on You’re a.m. flight and had the great pleasure to experience a different way of being on an airplane.

Your personnel on board made the time on board real pleasure and fin. They involved all passengers in their "crazy" entertainment, and even the older persons were completely absorbed in this "comedy act".

I happen to travel quite often and for the very first time in my life I was disappointed that the flight was so short.

Normally we passengers contact the companies after the flight experience to claim about delays, lack of service, unkindness of the personnel, a.o.m., so I feel that for once also the good side of things should be pointed out. The flight was slightly late, but nobody notices it, thanks to the great entertainers working for Your Company.

Thank you and we look forward to our next flight with Ryanair.


Now maybe I'm alone, but I'd pay extra not to be so 'entertained' during a flight!

Then we have this guy(?) stalking an air hostess:
Dear Ryanair personnel of the Customer Services Department,

I personally want to thank you for good service during my flight from Frankfurt (Hahn) to Tampere on 16 July 2006 with the flight:FR1921. I was really please with the quality of service. Especially, I likes the stewardess names Magdalena and her kindness. I would like to send her a small present and a thank you letter for her nice behaviour and the good service which she especially provided. Could you send me an address where I could send this gift to be delivered to her? My contact information can be found below. You can also thank the rest of crew for really good service.
your forgetting these guys were reliant on alitalia and lufthansa before ryanair appeared on the scene. anything is fun after that. can you remember how much tesco/dunnes/superquinn/value etc charged on basic groceries before aldi and lidl appeared. ryanair have practically wiped alitalia out.
Ryanair are great without a doubt. We fly to Ireland at least 6 times a year (every school break in fact). Have never paid more than £160 in total for return flights for family of 4. it costs more to go from london to manchester on the train ! Husband is going in the morning (sat) £16 returning monday evening. we go more frequently because its cheap, which in turn means we hire a car each time from (Hertz) who are great too. we visit the restaurants, supermarkets, pubs, buy petrol, clothes shopping, swimming etc so all this is great for the economy, isn't it ? everyones a winner... in my eyes. and yes i remember the 80's when i was 19 and the flights were very expensive and full of us irish folk full of juice! happy to be going home to our families for xmas, no more expensive flights and no more irish left in britain too ! ah, how times have changed in those 20 years, soon be back there for good myself, only a few of us left here now.