Ryanair & Reinbusement of Expenses


Registered User
Now, I don't often agree with Michael O'Leary when he goes off on a rant but on this occasion I do think he has got a point. Why should airlines who might have sold a ticket for €30 be responsible for expenses of multiples of that amount because of circumstances outside their control. I can understand why they should pay if it was their fault but not for something like volcanic ash. It's a stupid law.

Surely the real villians of all this are the insurance companies whose job it is analyse and price risk but worm their way out of paying out on travel insurance policies by saying it was an Act Of God. Why are airlines who are struggling anyway left with the bill?
Yeah I have to say I'm against that culture of claiming for everything - I can just imagine some of the absurd bills they will get. I do think that if people are stranded in an airport through no fault of their own they should have access to meal vouchers - nobody should be left without food/drinks - this is often the case particularly with younger people having spent every penny on holidays! Otherwise I don't think accommodation should be covered by the airlines in this instance. The airports should seriously consider contingencies for this type of Act of God - i.e have a large area available to house people affected - perhaps have access to camp beds etc. I know in NY the red cross set people up with camp beds/equipment etc.

I know Ryanair have backed down on the issue today but I do think that a change will have to be made, you can't have it every way - travel cheap but claim stupid accommodation charges.
We have lots of stupid laws, but it is the law. Ryanair knew about the law when they set their prices. They knew there was a risk of something like this. Most of us would insure against such risks. I guess Ryanair has options to insure against this, or to effectively self-insure. They can't come back whinging after the fact because they lost their gamble.
They also call it exceptional circumstances, which gives them a reason not to pay under the European rules
I agree. Even insurance company's can exclude flooding from their policies... and their service is house insurance!
Surely an optional travel insurance policy should cover these circumstances. Or maybe some dedicated volcano cover.. it costs a bit more than handsome cream but it would be worth it!