Ryanair New Site is not secure encrypted : only http and not https.


Registered User
I am trying to book Ryanair and got through the site past all the sales pitch where they are trying to sell bags etc and started putting in my credit card details when I noticed it was not a secure site it was only http/ and not https/ so I promptly stopped.

I cannot seem to contact Ryanair without paying £1 a minute and the line does not connect, the complaint line does not operate Sundays.

Can anyone advise me please, and there is no email address.
I think it goes a bit futher than Anti Virus, an un encrypted site can be intercepted anywhere
This seems to have fixed itself, why would Ryanair put us in this position?
Amazing that a company which depends so much on the Internet won't test out its site sufficiently to determine that such appalling errors don't occur. I suspect a higher-up in Ryanair (maybe even Michael himself!) saw the thread on askaboutmoney and took effective action.