Ryanair London Flight Chaos


Registered User
Anyone been caught up in the flight chaos in London? I'm flying with Ryanair from Stansted on Saturday morning. Are Ryanair charging passengers to put their hand luggage in the hold? To be fair to Ryanair they are allowing passengers to change their flights today and tomorrow free of charge.
Im travelling from dublin to Edinburgh today, is hand luggage allowed FROM Ireland to UK??

Id appreciate if anyone knows as I can't get through to Ryanair.
dont know if this helps anyone, but a friend travelled with Aer Lingus to Birmingham this morning and encountered no delays whatsoever.
prescribed medicines (except in liquid form unless verified as authentic)

Anyone know any details on what counts as verification (specificially in relation to an insulin dependant diabetic)?
A letter from your GP or whatever hospital you attend stating that you are a Diabetic and require to carry all necessary medical equipment should suffice
But are Ryanair charging passengers to put their single item of hand luggage in the hold?
It's not really clear what information is being requested here or who is going where but the latest information is:-

(1) no handluggage can be brought on board! In other words, everything everyone is carrying goes in the main luggage which goes through security/x-ray checks etc.

(2) no gels or fluids of any kind will be allowed through the security checks and main luggage containing anything of the sort will be rejected (i.e. you'll be handed your stuff and told you cannot fly).

(3) essential travel requisites (items such as medicines) can be brought on board in a transparent plastic bag. and will be examined by cabin-crew at the entrance to the aircraft.

This is the latest news (BBC4 6.00pm news Friday 11th August). At the moment it is anticipated this state of high alert will remain in force 'for the foreseeable future' (i.e. until they've established that the 20+ terrorists who planned to plant bombs on 10 planes over this weekend have been tracked down and taken into custody).
until they've established that the 20+ terrorists who planned to plant bombs on 10 planes over this weekend have been tracked down and taken into custody).
20+ alleged terrorists who allegedly planned ...
I normally travel with a small bag with a few bits and pieces in, MP3 player, some paperwork, toothbrush, mobile phone, pen, etc, etc. Tomorrow I plan on travelling with the same small bag which Ryanair will be putting in the hold.

Will Ryanair be charging me to put this single item of hand luggage in the hold? Simple.
Yesterday they didn't, but I heard a Ryanair PR rep on Morning Ireland this morning who suggested that yes, they would, as "Nobody is forced to travel with luggage."!
20+ alleged terrorists who allegedly planned ...

ClubMan - Precisely what connection does this comment of yours, following my post giving information on newly-introduced airport security, have to do with the OP's question or this thread? Various posters raised questions on the current situation. In response I passed on the public announcement on the 6.00pm news including duration.........that this level of security would be in force "for the foreseeable future" until the authorities had ensured that the 20+ individuals who they had substantive reason to believe intended destruction on an unprecedented scale (the phrase used by security forces, government and broadcasting networks) were not at large. The 'evidence' was a telephone conversation between Pakistan and UK (tapped by the antiterrorist units in Pakistan) in which this particular operation was discussed.

When I take the time, trouble and effort to respond to a question on AAM I am not setting out to write an epic novel nor to dot every i and cross every t. It takes some stretch of the imagination - or pedantry on a grand scale - to pick up a straightforward report in the way you have done as social comment or political bias.
Just clarifying the facts of the matter. One word ("alleged") is hardly an epic novel. If posting accurate information is considered "pedantry on a grand scale" by some then I'm happy to be called a pedant. Not that all those arrested in relation to this matter have not been charged and even if they had been would remain innocent until proven otherwise. This is not a pedantic issue.
E-mail from easyjet about what you are allowed on the plane.

* keys (but no electrical key fobs)

Does this mean that you can't take your car keys. What are you supposed to do with them?
Will Ryanair be charging me to put this single item of hand luggage in the hold?

Flew with Ryanair on Friday and no issues came up regarding charging for luggage. Same thing on Sunday - had paid for 1 bag, needed to put 3 in the hold flying out of the UK. Nothing was raised regarding charging for the extra bags at all.

So I'm guessing the answer to your question is no, on my experience, you won't be charged.

Though, restrictions might be lifted today, so things might go back to normal soon.