Ryanair handling fee

Ah yes, I too find it's (just) enough for a week hols if you're going somewhere warm but not if it's cold.

Thing that bugs me the most is not being able to bring back bottles of wines in my hand luggage anymore. Yes I know you can if you buy in duty free but that usually ends up being dearer and not as good a selection.

Thanks for clearing up the handling fee issue - just got a shock about that myself but it did say 'french handling fee' - does that mean they are being even sneaker about it?
Now €10 per head - 25% increase in this economic climate!
There is another way out of paying for handling fees. Order some gift certificates online. They come in 25, 50 euro I think. This way you dont get charged for handling.

The only downside is that they dont refund you the difference from your voucher. I booked 2 return flights there recently using 150 euro of vouchers. Flights came to 147 so i didnt get my 3 euro back but did save 20 euro on handling fees less my 3 euro, so still saved 17 euro net.
This is only really of benefit if your flights are near enough to 25,50,75 etc. I never give out about Ryanair usually. You get what you pay for and to be reasonable their flights are rarely late or cancelled...... Nice to get one over them now and again though!!!
Just to note. It can take 24 hours for your voucher numbers to be emailed to you, so its not ideal if you spot a really cheap fare and want to book it there and then, but if you use them a few times a year no harm in having a few vouchers in reserve!!

On the final page once you've paid for the vouchers, the voucher codes are printed so you can copy and paste them over, no need to wait for the e-mail to arrive a day later!