Ryanair baggage rules



Can anyone please shed some light on Ryanair's baggage rules? I have not had much luck telephoning their customer service number. Ryanair allow 15kg checked baggage per passenger. I wish to travel with my wife & share a suitcase. Does anyone know what the weight limit is for this suitcase?
I wish to travel with my wife & share a suitcase.
Mr and Mrs Houdini by any chance? Have you read what's on their website about baggage rules?

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Make sure if you book your tickets online together that you put one bag under her name and one under yours.

Recent trip where 3 peoples tickets booked together and 3 bags paid for by one person . The 'servisair' check-in desk said that only the person who booked could check in 3 bags as they were all under her name. All 3 together had to be under 15kg. The other two passengers would have to pay for their bags ( AGAIN !) or pay overweight per kilo under the first passengers name.

A total scam.
when you are booking with ryanair if gives you the option person by person of saying yes or no to check in luggage.

Sorry, but you can't blame Ryanair on this one, you'll have to blame the person who booked the tickets!!
My bro-in-law had to rebook some tickets for us and put all the cases under one name. A quick trip to customer service (before checking in) got it sorted.
We're travelling with Ryanair in a couple of week with 2 children. I am just wondering will they be entitled to bring a carry on bag with them.
Presumably they are over 2 and allocated their own seat in which case I presume the normal baggage rules apply to them too?
Kids over 2 get the 10Kilo carry on baggage allowance - same as adults. Infants have no allowance but you can bring a buggy for free.
Infants have no allowance but you can bring a buggy for free.
Presumably you mean infants sitting on your lap with no seat allocated? But presumably you could still book a seat for them and thereby get a baggage allowance if you really wanted/needed? They will still need to sit on your lap at least for take off and landing.
Actually no. Ryanair specifically do not allow you to book a seat for an infant.

........unless the child potentially looks 2. They don't ask for proof of age, my friend booked her 22 month old his own seat recently and no questions were asked at check-in/on board. (Obviously this is no use if the child is 6 months!)
Just travelled with ryanair back through Stansted, they are very serious when they say "one piece of hand luggage", a handbag + a plastic bag with a newspaper + your actual hand luggage bag is now classed as 3 bags!! People were sent back to check in luggage from the boarding card check at security, unless of course you could fit everything into your carry on bag and still managed to stay under the 10kgs, which they weighed at the check in desk and weighed again at security. And also persons who had purchased alcohol and were using stansted as transfer airport also had to put their booze on the weighing scale which of course topped the weight right over and again they were sent back to check in their bags! It took approx 40mins to get through security from when you presented your boarding card for inspection.

The only thing related to Ryanair in this post is the 10kg limit. Everything else is dicatated by British Airport Authority (BAA). Same rules apply at all UK airports.
Ngwrc - that's good to know. I always carry an empty bag with me in case I have to put the handbag, coats, newspaper bag all into the one. Also now will buy the rashers/chocolate after I have gone through both check in and security so as not to go over the 10 Kilos.

Auntie re infant of 22 months - that's risky, if they had looked at the date of birth and noticed it was under 2 they might not have left you on as you had incorrectly booked. They are very strict about infants not having a seat and I think it's not just their rules but health and safety rules.