Ryanair and poor internet connection


Registered User
Hi guys,

I'm in a bit of a bind and was hoping that someone might be able to offer some information.

My girlfriend is Spanish and every month I travel to Spain to visit her or she comes to Ireland. She was just here for the St Patrick's Day weekend so next month is my turn to visit her.

I booked the flight this morning at work. Unfortunately as I got to the last page, after I had confirmed my details and made the payment, the Internet connection failed so the very last page, with my reservation number came up as 'Page cannot be displayed'. Now I didn't get the reservation number, nor did I get an email from Ryanair confirming my booking so I'm worried now. Is there anyway of contacting some kind of Customer Service centre to get the reservation number, or is it yet too soon to receive a confirmation email from Ryanair, containing the reservation number and all my details?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

First establish if your cc has been charged for the flight. If it has try contacting their customer service centre and if luck is on your side the rep will take your cc number as confirmation of the purchase and inform you of the resv. no.
Hi Adrian,
I got this number recently on the Ryanair site and nearly sure it's Customer Service. It's 0818 303030. At the first couple of attempts I only got an answering service but tried later and eventually got through to a live person so keep trying. I think it's 8-8.

Something similar happened when I was booking with Ryanair but it didn't take long for the confirmation email to arrive. As gdf said check to see if your account has been debited but isn't there sometimes a delay until it shows?
I booked a flight recently and the same thing happened. When I rang the above tel. no. there was an automated message to say that Ryanair are currently experiencing a delay with confirmation emails.

I stayed on the line, gave them the tel nos., address and cc no. used and they confirmed the flight was booked and gave me the reservation no.

Give them a call and I'm sure they will be able to confirm whether the flight is booked or not.
Booked two flights on Sunday and had numerous problems at the end of the booking process. Had to restart a few times.

Email confirmations arrived last night. Over 24 hours later.

They're not putting the extra baggage charges into their IT systems!
I still have not received any email confirmation for a booking made on 16/03/2007 like I normally receive. I was able to print off a receipt with booking number confirmed. Maybe they have stopped the email confirmations recently?
I booked flights last night, confirmation e-mail arrived in my inbox this morning, not as quickly as ever before but still arrived,
Now to print it off and waste 7 millions pages on small print ha ha