Ryanair again


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Did anyone notice during the week that Ryanair were fined for advertising a route from Oslo to LONDON - PRESTWICK at zero cost (taxes only).
They claimed it was a printing error. Now we all know that Ryanair don't make printing errors but if they did.......
What was the error? What is the problem if they were brought to book over this?
I'm guessing the problem is that Prestwick is a Glasgow airport, rather than a London one.

Or is it just taking the distance of an airport from your primary destination a little too far?

More info here.
After the exposé on C4 tonight I think we should be ashamed to be Irish. At least two of the 'trainers' had Irish accents - particularly the guy who assumed that because the method of the final test was not detailed in specification that you could do it with an 'open book'.
' If you get something for nothing what do you expect' is the mantra drilled into staff .
Does that mean that if you say win a car in a raffle, it doesn't have to be roadworthy? That if you get a BOGOF the second one is no good?
Ryanair have been getting away with it for years on the basis that that all publicity is good publicity.
I for one will not be advising my family to fly with them on the grounds of safety and security.
Ironic wasn't it that Richard Reid the shoe-bomber was intercepted at a Stockholm Airport getting on a Ryanair flight
intercepted was the key word there. and tonight both the caa and irish aviation authority say they have no problems with mickair. also I saw the producer of that program being interviewed and he said that at no stage did he say that a ryanair plane was going to fall out of the sky. (just implied it.) as for the overworked staff. hard worked - yes. 30 -35 hours per week is hardly overworked yet thats the most hours the undercover crew could muster over the period. saw that picture in the paper of the ryanair cabin staff asleep but how do you know the difference in overworked or out all night partying without actually waking her up and asking her? have flown ryanair before and hopefully will again. along with other airlines of course.
I'm in two minds about tonight's show.

The superficial stuff I'm not too bothered about, we all know they don't clean the planes between flights (though the thing with the baby sick was bad). Even the bad customer attitude I can handle; I expect to get from a to b with ryanair, not much else.

The serious matters would be security & safety. With the temporary security badges, I would think the airport authorities are as much to blame as ryanair? Similar with passports, again not ideal that they're not checking them, but partly shared responsibility with the airports? Journalists seem to be constantly breaking security systems at airports, getting jobs at buckingham palace etc. The background checks was a bit bad though.

On the safety side, it did appear the ONLY reason they would delay a flight was for safety concerns (e.g. the dent on the side of the plane). On the other hand, they did appear to ignore a problem with an escape slide?

I think people will excuse ryanair for poor customer service (you get what you pay for attitude), but if safety & security sticks, then they could suffer.
tiger said:
Similar with passports, again not ideal that they're not checking them, but partly shared responsibility with the airports?

Why are Ryanair being singled out here? I've flown Aer Lingus, British Midland and Cityjet since the start of the year, and none of these companies staff checked passport at boarding either. These were all Dublin - London flights.
"After the exposé on C4 tonight I think we should be ashamed to be Irish. At least two of the 'trainers' had Irish accents...".

Oh calm down will you!!! If we were ashamed every time someone with an Irish accent did or said something we didn't agree with, well we'd be in an eternal state of shame wouldn't we......? Gawd help us all!!!

The reporting in the program was somewhat sensational don't u think? In the main they showed conversations with staff who moaned about their employer....We all do a bit of that every now and then...

As for the safety issues, yes these should be examined and if this program gives Ryanair a kick in the ass to address and improve safety issues then great...And I totally agree that the ID thing is as much an airport management problem as it is an airline problem...
Didn't see the program (for some reason thought it was on at 10 but it was on at 8) but did read the correspondence between the production company and Ryanair (MO'L) yesterday. It's all been published on ryanair - quite interesting to read actually.
According to the British (UK?) and Irish aviation authorities the Dispatches "exposé" exposed nothing untoward at all.

I don't get the "Irish accents" comment above or why we should be ashamed but maybe the President will issue a comment on our behalf apologising for it?
This program was dissapointing and simply EMPTY, NOTHING IN IT, PURE VACCUM, ...
They could have made the exact same program with any other airlines...

I regularly fly RYANAIR and AERLINGUS... not much of a difference between the two nowdays, you do not get more smiles from the staff of one or the other airlines. I guess i would have to pay extra for that
Except that RYANAIR has always got me there on time...
We have all moaned about our employer from time to time. If the staff don't like working for Ryanair then why stay? I tend to fly with Aer Fungus more than Ryanair and there is really no difference between the two. I satisfy myself by having a rule that I pay no more than €35 per flight excluding taxes etc For me its two to three hours of hell being enclosed in a cabin so I take the tablet, grin and try to bear it.
If this press release is true

[broken link removed]

then it makes a shambles of the whole documentary.
Check out the Ryanair website for the letters and statements that went back and forth about the whole program...Makes interesting reading..
Makes you laugh, people wanting something for nothing, and getting aerated when they dont get it. I had to laugh at the guy who was griping about not getting a free cup of coffee or a coke. Everyone knows that when you fly Ryanair, all you have a right to is the flight.......... he let himself down badly when he personally abused the pilot. I must admit though, the pilots did seem to get some pleasure from the passangers discomfort, there was certainly no compassion.

exactly, a bit like those idiots on the programme about easyjet (Airport) who are giving out hell to staff when their late for their own flight.
I guess alot of people still think that flight travel should be luxurious, flight travel is as common as getting on a bus, can you imagine asking a Dublin Bus Driver for some refreshments while stuck in a traffic jam for hours!!

I agree that the passenger let himself down moaning like a child. What annoyed me more was that Dispatches put it in as if he had a legitimate complaint. I thought the pilot handled the complaint perfectly - he was polite and made his point well. And a lot of the slagging off by staff seemed to me to be just bravado in front of the "new" cabin crew.
I met a person whose journey to the airport was delayed by roadworks (uk - london) and blamed ryanair for missing her flight. and actually meant it too.
I fly British Airways at least twice a month (Ireland-UK). They have never once checked my passport at boarding. Nicer staff, cleaner planes and a FREE cup of coffee or drink (with a biscuit) though. I fly to Germany with Aer Lingus every few months and as far as I can remember they have never checked my passport on boarding either