Ryan Tubridy has been confirmed, getting Gerry Ryans spot

Well...I don't like him. But then again I don't like very many people I suppose.

In fairness he's well informed generally, fairly professional and seems to have the 'common touch'. I guess he was the logical choice.
Should suit him I'd say - needs to develop more common touch though.

Is it an obvious promotion then??, I thought Radio 1 was more where the serious business is done. Thought 2FM had lost loads of ground in last decade.
There's a shocker. Man with RTE family connections gets RTE job with 33% less hours and no doubt more pay. They'd nearly give him the news if Dobson was to retire.
I won't be tuning in to 2fm any time soon.
... I won't be tuning in to 2fm any time soon.
+1. I only ever heard the previous slot-holder accidentally; I'll take extreme measures to avoid repeat accidents when Turbidity hits those air-waves.
And why on earth did RTE think it was worthy of an extended interview with Mr. RT (on his holidays) on the 6 o'clock news?

It should have been labelled as free advertising.
Because that is typical of RTE.

When they are stuck for a guest on the late late,they just get someone to run into the canteen and see what member of staff is free.lol..

There is an awful lot of one RTE person interviewing another RTE person..
There's a shocker. Man with RTE family connections gets RTE job with 33% less hours and no doubt more pay. They'd nearly give him the news if Dobson was to retire.
I won't be tuning in to 2fm any time soon.

What RTE connections does he have ? I know he has family who are senior in FF, but how is this an RTE connection ?

By my calculations a 2 hour show is 100% more hours than the 1 hour show he currently presents , can you explain your maths ?

RTE have announced that his pay in not changing.

BTW, not a big fan, just asking you to explain your statements
What RTE connections does he have ? I know he has family who are senior in FF, but how is this an RTE connection ?

His Grandfather used to be chairman of RTE authority. Not sure that is why he got the job though!
What RTE connections does he have ? I know he has family who are senior in FF, but how is this an RTE connection ?

By my calculations a 2 hour show is 100% more hours than the 1 hour show he currently presents , can you explain your maths ?

RTE have announced that his pay in not changing.

Sunny answered the first. It's worth considering that when you see the people who have left RTE over the years because they did not get opportunities.

Ryan did 3 hours. Tubridy is taking his slot but only doing 2.

If RTE said his salary is not going up I believe them. Afterall salaries are disclosed and transparent. No doubt 2011 will see him compensated.

Just in case any one is under any illusion about my thoughts on Tubridy, I want to make it perfectly clear that I abhor the man. He's a cross between Noel V. Ginnity and Gay Byrne.
I'm sure he wouldn't mind being compared to Gay Byrne. Was he not our greatest broadcaster?
His Grandfather used to be chairman of RTE authority. Not sure that is why he got the job though!

His Grandfather was the chairman of the RTE authority between 1966-1970.
Hardly counts as influence on the current managemet, even though I think they are seriously conservative

According to Wikipedia, when Todd Andres became head of the RTE authority he was asked the difference between his new job as director of RTÉ and his old job as head of the national transport system, he is reputed to have declared, "RTÉ carries more passengers"

Tubridy got the job because RTE have little imagination and not much courage when it comes to encouraging new talent.
The Gerry Ryan show pulls in huge amounts of advertising that they cant afford to do without for the amount of time it would take to build up a new audience, so they went with the safe opinion which they hooe will keep the numbers up and the advertisers happy.

Its shows up, yet again, that they need to be fostering upand coming talent so they have plenty of choice of replacements for big shows when they need it.
Hardly counts as influence on the current managemet, even though I think they are seriously conservative

That's why I said

Not sure that is why he got the job though!

Tubridy got it because he a proven ratings winner. Gerry Ryan's show was very important to RTE from an advertising point of view. You can't expect them to just hand the slot over to a novice.
Because that is typical of RTE.

When they are stuck for a guest on the late late,they just get someone to run into the canteen and see what member of staff is free.lol..

There is an awful lot of one RTE person interviewing another RTE person..

Same for TV3, just a re-hash of programmes that fill the morning
Last day of Colm and Lucy show today THANK FECK! :D

No more genius comments from Kennedy!:rolleyes:

Now, if only they could sort out the newsreaders pronunciation - she's talking this morning about skeleeeetal remains found in Meath, yesterday it was a shooting in Bellamaddina.