Rusting of cast-iron fireplaces


Registered User
Hi there,
I have a couple of old black cast iron fireplaces is my house and they are beginning to rust. Any suggestions on how to treat/put a stop to this?

Would you black lead them - it is a bit like shoe polish - and give it a bit of elbow grease.
They were actually retouched recently (by a professional I might add!!) so the rust is coming through the new paint. Is there something I can apply to make sure this doesn't happen again? Also, what is Zebra Stove Black and where can I buy it?
I think it's actually called "Zebo"; anyways its a type of paste wax (similar to shoe polish) which blackens cast iron and prevents rust. It will rub off though, so be careful where you use it.
I've never painted my cast iron fire place - not sure it's a good idea to start.

However, I stick by the advice I got donkeys years ago which was to rub it all over with a cloth and a small amount of Johnson's baby oil; always brings it up nicely and no problems w. rust.

Yes I couldn't think of the name but Zebo and and small tooth brush for ornate areas and a cloth - the fact that they have been painted I'm not sure whether the polish will take to the paint. I have a 19th century fire place and I have only ever used this type of polish on it - once it is done you hardly ever need to go near the fireplace.
Hi Beatrix,

You would get it in a smaller hardware I'm sure - it is black and yellow stripes like a large tupe of toothpaste and ZEBO in black writing with a red background.
Apparently neither Zebo or Zebra (there was a Zebra brand as well) Grate Black is manufactured any longer. This site lists alternatives Product Detail.htm

I have no connection with the site; it was listed when I searched for the two products.

I agree with previous posters. I don't believe paint on a cast-iron fire-surround is a good idea. I have seen it done before, but seldom successfully.