Rush to get on and off plane.



Why do people rush to get on an airplane. Ever notice, when they announce the boarding gate is now open, the people who rush and push to get to the top of the queue. You get this long line of people inching forward. If you have been allocated a seat, why the rush. Also when the plane lands, the mad rush to get off. This usually entails everyone standing in the aisle and their This post will be deleted if not edited to remove bad language in your face. Then at the carousel. The husband and wife taking up two places at the carousel even though the husband will be collecting the suitcases.

Rush to get on (assuming you are not travelling cattle class with a budget carrier) is so you can take up lots of overhead room and then relax in your seat gloating as the other shmucks jostle for their seat and to get their luggage stowed.

Rush to get off is because there is always hope that by the time you get through your luggage will be there.

Also, there's a psychological pressure to follow the herd. It's hard to think you are right to sit and do nothing while everyone else is clamoring to get going.
plane rush

This is my other half's pet hate.
He will sit til the bitter end rather than join the queue on or off the plane.
To his detriment on one occasion in Morocco or Tunisia, I think, when they removed the stairs and he was forced to wait 10 minutes til they brought it back!
Swinging haversacks.

I was hit in the face by a buckle from a haversack that some idiot was holding as he waited to get off the plane. I was sitting in my seat. It caused a nasty cut. Kind of like when you nearly lose an eye from the spikes of an umbrella as a person pases you buy on the street.
In my experience many people often simply go a bit bonkers at the best of times when part of a large group/crowd - e.g. football matches, marches/demonstrations, policitcal rallies, religious ceremonies, January sales etc. I sometimes wonder if some tendancy towards a herd mentality remains part of our genetic makeup?

Interesting to see a few folk are conscious of the fact that a major element of the population tend to lose the head completely when placed in proximity with an aeroplane.

Air rage, excesive drinking, valiums being scarfed like Smarties, fags being lit in toilets in flight, hosties being abused for no reason, general and indisciminate loathing and abuse for all involved in airlines...its all part of the picture that indicates most people are terrified of flying and deal with their hang ups in the basest of ways.

The Customer Is Always Right.

Yeah, sure.
air mail

Agree with above, must be an Irish thing. The minute a plane starts taxi-ing (?) after touchdown everyone is up at the lockers and anyone notice that as the plane is roaring down the runway to take off - 'bing bong' someone wants a cabin crew member.Unreal. Easyjet , another of the cheapies calls passengers forward in groups of about 30 , in order of checking in. Definitely better! Anyway (we) have waited to board till almost last and nearly always got two seats together, always at the back admittedly.

When boarding, the incentive is to get space in the overhead bin before all the cheap scapes with excess luggage arrive on board lugging about 30kg's behind them and looking to fill the overheads.
When disembarking, if you have hand luggage only, why should you stroll behind all the people who know there's no rush to stand at the baggage belt waiting for the Aer Rianta types to get the finger out!
Re: Rush

Why do they ask people with small children to board first? We flew to Oz with a 4 and a 1 year old recently ... the last thing you want to do when embarking on a 10 hour flight is to make it even longer by getting on the plane sooner.
Maybe that's just the claustraphobe in me trying to get out! :rolleyes
Re: Rush

I don't understand the rush to get on the plane. The least time spent on them the better as far as I'm concerned.

However, I confess to being one of the people who are desperate to get off the plane at the end of the flight and usually sit near the front or back to ensure I can make a quick getaway. The reason is travel sickness; I really feel like hurling for most of every flight I sit on despite years of trying various potions and gadgets to avoid this. By the end of the flight I'm so desperate for a breath of fresh air to relieve the nausea, I'd stand on me granny

Now I know I'm fond of conspiracies at the best of times and I apologise if this starts one of those Tharg & Co debates but I've often wondered if the air quality in a Ryanair plane is not as good as "other" airlines because I really do feel worse on a Ryanair flight. It could be just that they don't provide sick bags and the thought that it's not there makes me feel even worse (even if I don't need to use it in the end) but I hate having to ask for one in advance. It's really humiliating and the people around you all start to go slightly green if they think an imminent hurl is on the cards. So usually I just end up counting the seconds to get off the plane and gulp in some fresh air or run for the loo, hence the dash.


I suspect that in the case of Ryanair flights, the turnaround time is so short that the doors aren't open long enough to get a decent blast of fresh air.
Gate 22.

Generally I find that sitting near the toilets or food storage areas actually makes me sick. The smells that percolate from these areas and all the movements (no pun intended) is very unsettling. Also do you ever notice that when people are waiting at the boarding gate, lets say gate 21, they all stand around or sit on window sills and on the small tables that are located between the seats. Yet quite often at boarding gate number 22 there are dozens of empty seats, yet they seem afraid to use these?
very unsettling

One Ryanair pilot was so pushed for a quicker turnaround time recently he asked his passengers to use the emergency shoots in his efforts to make up for lost time.
very unsettling

I think you'll find that's 110% not true greg .. Escape slides take time to put back/replace after they've been deployed they are only for use in emergencies you can't let the air out and expect them to fold away neatly .. not something you'd do within a 20 minute turnaround
Re: very unsettling

Could you ever imagine the opposite of not rushing? Everyone just sitting in their seats in departure or on the plane and having to be prodded into action. I think there's a sketch in there somewhere.
Re: a little unsettling

but if they didn't want to rush then surely they wouldn't be there dougal.
rush to get off the plane

people rush to get off so that they can be first to get a trolley and put it broadside against the edge of the carousel and with the aid of 3 or 4 others effectively keep the other 120 passengers away from their luggage.

standing back until their bag arrives is too intelegent.
Look at all the Dunnes Stores cases on the carousel.

Many a time I have been standing in the queue waiting to check in, only to get the heels/back of my legs cut off me by some old phart inching forward his trolley. It's as if every available inch of space must be accounted for. I also notice that some people never remove the old airline tags from the handles of their cases. Hey! look at me, I travel a lot. And why do husbands always carry the boarding passes and passports, but leave the wife to carry everything else.
It gets worse

"...but leave the wife to carry everything else. "

Could be a lot worse.

Remember the EL AL incident where an Irish girl unwittingly carried a bomb wrapped as a present from her husband and timed to explode somewhere over the Alps?
Plastic gondola.

Or the friends of the people who are on holidays and volunteer to collect them from the nearesr Airbus stop.

They park their car exactly where the bus needs to stop to drop off and collect passengers. (Donnybrook bridge stop a good case in point).

The bus arrives and has to park behind or alongside the parked car. The bus driver has to wait while all the holiday pleasantries, hugging and kissing takes place.