Running Win XP on Intel Mac


Registered User
I thought that this would already have been posted. Just in case anyone is interested Apple have released a bootloader that allows Intel Mac owners to dual boot Mac OS and Win XP. This is a beta version, expect a full version in the next major release of the Mac OS.

Full details

Good move on Apple's part?
I know that there are lots of virtualisation options for Windows that allow other operating systems to run on virtual machines on the host platform. I've used VMWare and MS Virtual PC myself. I haven't yet tried QEMU or Sandboxie. I think that there are others. I wonder if there are similar options for the Mac too?
It will be good for work apps that just don't want to be Mac compatibale....but that is about the only reason I would use it....I'm sure this spells the end for Mac Gaming....not that it ever really began...
Clubman - There are some rumours around that the next OS release will feature a virtual machine so you can flick from one OS to another, this is only a rumour though.

I think it's a move to get the hardware sales of Apple up. Their target is 10% market share. Quite an acheivement if they manage it as their current market share is only around 2%.

I'm not a Mac software fan but I like their hardware - being able to run both OS' makes their machines a viable alternative to Dell, Sony et al.
Definitely. I'm not a mac man but I hear theya re excellent and they certaily look cool... I'd think about buying a 20" G5 with an XP Dual Boot... IF you could switch without restarting that would be sweet
Power PC based Macs have had Virtual PC for as long as I remember.
The next version of Mac OS (Leopard) for Intel is rumoured to support the virtualisation feature in Intel's Yonah processor.
No dual booting will be required.
I didn't think Virtual PC ran at native speed though?

A company called Parallels has it's third beta out for the Intel Macs which runs XP through virtualisation. As it's a beta it still has problems and doesn't support full video but it seems to boot windows in around 10 seconds which isn't bad.

As the General says expect the next OS to support this fully.