Running Water from Tap in downstairs bathroom


Registered User
Hi all,

I was hoping someone might be able to give me some pointers on how to begin trying to solve a problem with the plumbing in our house. The house is only a year and a half old but about a year ago the hot water tap in our downstairs bathroom slowed to a trickle and has been like that since. The cold tap flows normally and so do all the other taps/toilets in the house. Any ideas as to what might cause this?


p.s. I know I sound pretty useless when its taken me nearly a year to even begin looking at this ;)
Agreed, heres how to change a washer on a tap. Its for a leaking tap but the principles the same.
Thanks guys. I guess I just need to release it so. Ill give it a go. Fingers crossed I dont flood the house :)
Switch off the water and replace the washer by taking the old one for comparison to a plumbing supplies or even your local hardware store should have one.