Running power to steeltech shed


Registered User
Hi All,
My son is barbering from home. I'm thinking of getting a steeltech shed where he can work from but my problem is getting power to the shed.
The fusebox is right beside the front door and taking power from here would be just too expensive.
We have a conservatory with a few double sockets which in my mind would be ideal to supply the shed from.
What do you guys think? There wouldn't me much of a load ....just a few led lights and maybe a lkittle 1HW heater.
Read through the following thread to get ideas of what might be involved. Then I'd suggest you talk to an electrician.

You might want a separate discussion around insurance for carrying on a business, and additional building and safety standards.
Obviously, you need the advice from a competent electrician and before that Planning Permission.
No, not planning permission for the shed, planning permission for running a business from home.
If he is running a business from home, and bringing the public into/onto the proberty, in this case a garden shed, then there are a few things that should be considered.
1. The insurance aspect, if they have an accident/trip/fall (or get electrocuted) then is he/are you covered
2. Running power to a shed that is running as a business would necessitate all the releavant certification from an electrician, otherwise you could well fall foul of 1 above
3. Planning permission would be required for using a shed as a business, especially one that involves the public (as opposed to a workshop for instance)

It's all very well to wing it and run an extension out to the shed, but if anything happens, you could land in a world of problems.
A log cabin may be better suited than a steal tech shed espically during the winter time.
Although a more expensive option why not consider going solar if he will remain there for 5 years or more.