Running an afterschool service at a school: public servant or not? & PS paycut?


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This post is for a friend who has worked for the past year in a school running an afterschool service. She is being paid by the board of management of the school.

Now she has been hit with a 7% pay cut as they are saying she also works for the public service. She feels this is not correct but cannot seem to find the collect information anywhere. Would anyone know what the position is?

This afterschool service is not getting any funding other that what the parents pay.

I know of other afterschool services who are getting funding under the childcare subvention scheme but this is not the case in this instance.

Any advice on this or on where this information can be got from.
Does she have a contract? Is she an employee or self-employed, it would seem the former from what you've outlined.
Is she an employee or is she providing a service?

I know some staff in private hospitals have suffered cuts equal to if not more than those suffered by their public service equivalents.

In this case it might be wrong to say she is part of the public service but I reckon the parents ctte can argue their case based on the economy in general.
BOM are correct.

DES have told Board of Managements to implemement the pay cut to anyone in receipt of monies from grants issued by it.

A document was issued but I can't lay my hands on it at the moment.

The following is confusing though:

"She is being paid by the board of management of the school."
"This afterschool service is not getting any funding other that what the parents pay."

  • If it's DES money and she is employed through the Board then the BOM is right to implement the pay cut.

  • If parents are paying her privately then it has nothing to do with the school/DES/Board.

She needs to find out where her pay is actually coming from.
It seems she is being paid from DES and that the parents money is going into an account in the school but she seems to be an employee not self employed. She will have to accept it so
If, as you say, she's being paid by funds provided by the DES she'll have no chocie but to accept the cut in pay.

BOM are powerless in this regard as the DES has called the shots.