Rumsfeld resigns!


Registered User
And about time too! A more diplomatically boorish and oafish man never held the office of US Secretary of Defence.

A much more postive step in the right direction for the world than the hanging of Saddam Hussein IMO. Now all we need is the resignation of the rest of this benighted Administration and we can all sleep easier in our beds at night.

Come on George, Condoleeza, Dick et al! Do the right thing for mankinds sake!
Today's results restored my faith in American's!
Today's results restored my faith in American's!

Republicans managed to hold on to the Governors Mansion in Florida, but despite that I must admit the air did taste just a little sweeter on Wedndesday morning.

I'll say one thing for Ireland, you may not think your vote will change very much, you might think all the candidates are the same, but be very very thankful you don't have elections like they do here.

First of all there's the number of things they had to vote on, everything from Senate and Congress to Judges, and Seats on the local Mosquito Control Board. Not to mention 8 constitutional referenda, and numerous local propositions.

Then you have the negative campaigning that went into overdrive in this election.

Then you have the dirty tricks. From Robocalls to voters, even those on the federal do not call list, to the candidate who choked his mistress and tried to settle with her on condition that she not go public until after the election, to attempts to sabotage the call centers of the opposite party.

Everyone is talking about how this was a vote for change, but to everyones dismay politicians still won all of the races.

I'll say one thing for Ireland, you may not think your vote will change very much, you might think all the candidates are the same, but be very very thankful you don't have elections like they do here.
Still looking for a country with a system of democracy up to your high standards, eh?
Everyone is talking about how this was a vote for change, but to everyones dismay politicians still won all of the races.

But if you're a candidate in an election, surely you are, by default, a politician. So how could anyone other than a politician 'win the race' ?

Unless you mean someone like Jesse Ventura ? If so, do you think that's a better path ?

The talking heads are saying that the last 2 years of this Presidency are a lame duck cos the Democrats control the legislative process. Yet President Clinton was in the same position and the same talking heads get all misty-eyed at his administration.

Politics is the art of the possible and I'm sure the White House and the Senate and Capitol Hill will all just get along.

Hopefully Dubya will find more productive ways to spend the last years of his term than Bubba did !
Is this some sort of euphemism for something saucy?

He strangled his mistress. No euphemism. He didn't win incidently.

But if you're a candidate in an election, surely you are, by default, a politician. So how could anyone other than a politician 'win the race' ?

It's a joke that's doing the rounds, not a serious comment.

Many seem to feel that different parties controlling different arms of government is a good thing. Clinton did a lot of good things in his last two years. I'm sure Bush will get a lot of good things done in his last two years, now that it'll be harder to get away with some of his more extravagent policies, like invading countries, and promoting torture.

Still looking for a country with a system of democracy up to your high standards, eh?

The US system of democracy is the other extreme from Ireland, citizens vote on way too many appointments, but with enough support anyone can get a propostition placed on the Ballot.

Looking at the ballot paper I can't see how anyone could be fully advised of all the issues, and fully aware of who the various candidates are. So there is an inevitable tendancy to look for the letters after the name REP or DEM (or perhaps IND).

I followed the election coverage all along, but 80% of the candidates on the Ballot I'd never heard of because they were in minor races and 99% of the coverage is for the big races. I don't think that's a healthy system.

At least they get to choose between two somewhat different parties, so that's a good thing. Is it better to have 5 parties all the same than two parties that are different?

The negative campaigns and the dirty tricks are just unacceptable. The Republicans in particular did some things that I just can't believe. They are willing to break the law and have people go to prison for a couple of years if the the tactic get's them the required votes. There should be very very serious sanctions for a politician or party that flout the law.

You're right, I am looking for the best kind of democracy. Ireland and the US each have pros and cons. The US elections are probably more entertaining, and there's a lot more at stake. The Irish elections are probably fairer and fought more cleanly. Fianna Fail have been dealing with US Consultants so don't get too comfortable.

Until I find the best kind of democracy I'll have to make do living in the place I enjoy most, which until they send me home is the US.

You mean it's too democratic?

I guess you could say that. I think there's some merit in having the people elect representatives and then having those representatives make appointments in an open and transparent way.

I think if the public have to vote on appointments to the Mosquito Control Board, and vote on numerous propositions and referenda at the same time that they are electing representatives to Congress it makes it more difficult fully understand all the issues and candidates. It promotes voting for the party line.

Clinton did a lot of good things in his last two years. I'm sure Bush will get a lot of good things done in his last two years, now that it'll be harder to get away with some

Yeah, Ken Starr really put the kibosh on those 'good things' .

Fianna Fail have been dealing with US Consultants so don't get too comfortable.

That's right. James (It's the economy stupid) Carville, the Ragin' Cajun, was consulting with the Soldiers of Destiny last time around - maybe not he personally but his firm.

With people like Cllr. Fitzgerald, one party is capable of going negative on itself
If voting is not mandatory then the voter can presumably concentrate on the bits that they like.
"Have to"? Is voting mandatory in the US? If so then what penalties apply if one fails to do so?

If one concentrates on just Congress then they have to put up with years of being told be people like you that they have no right to complain about the actions of a particular judge, because they didn't vote in his election.

If the Mosquitos in your areas becomes a serious problem you forfeit the right to question the actions of the Control board, because you were too busy focusing on who would be governer.

You and everyone else know what I'm talking about here, if my posts confuse you so much you should PM me so that these little asides don't waste everyone elses time. I'm happy to explain these things to those who have trouble understanding. We can call it remedial AAM class.

When I say "voters have to" I mean voters are the ones responsible for these appointments. An individual voter may ignore particular races, but the appointments are still the responsibility of "the voters".

In Ireland voters don't "have to" think about whether or not they will vote for a judge, it's not the responsibility of the voters. I'm personally not in favour of judges interpreting the law with an eye to their re-election.

In short there is a point of diminishing returns in adding things to ballot papers, and from what I can see the Ballot in Florida had too much stuff on it, and that devalues the whold process.

But, that's just an opinion.

Back to the original question.

I haven't heard anyone ask Mr Bush if he feels Republicans might have fared better if he had shown the leadship to sack Rumsfeld before the election.

That surely must be a question on the minds of at least a few Republicans.

In short there is a point of diminishing returns in adding things to ballot papers, and from what I can see the Ballot in Florida had too much stuff on it, and that devalues the whold process.
I agree. In my opinion the whole point of a representative democracy is that the electorate elect people who have the time and ability to delve into the minutia of administration and make the detailed decisions (like appointing Judges). Otherwise even the most conscientious voter will not be able to make a well-informed decision. This leads to populism, media saturation and election by sound byte.