Rugby Heroes.

I was there and I thought it was fine. Some people are never happy I think.

I only watched it on TV but I thought the lads deserved SO much more. Des Cahill was a bumbling idiot, the location could have been so much better (Merrion Square, O'Connell St, Phoenix Park, Donnybrook?), the groupings they brought the guys out in made no sense, there was no mention of Hayes and Flannery, the questions asked were answered with pre-prepared niceties, where was ROG's honesty from yesterday??

At the very least they deserved a parade.

I was so happy for the team and their achievement, they deserved a special homecoming. We've given soccer teams who've come back with no silverware bigger receptions!
Very good point, sahnegl. Nil all draws, "a result", moral victories and Olé, Olé, Olé!

Didn't see the the Des Cahill bit. Bad?
I am so delighted we won the Grand Slam. Those lads deserved that so much. Especially O'Driscoll and O'Connell who were amazing all season. True legends of the game. There were tears in my eyes on Saturday. I was sure Jones would slot that penalty over. It would have been a travesty.
Not a huge rugby fan but have to say it was very exciting and you just couldnt have written a better script.
I was a lot more excited watching Bernard fighting later on - that was one of the most exciting fights i think i've ever seen. Well done him too! I think he's been a little overshadowed by the rugby team.

Probably because a team game depends on so many people working their socks off together and boxing doesn't have quite the same honesty. Its gone a bit like horse racing your never quite sure if both boxers are being honest but I wouldn't have doubts about Dunnes last fight in fairness he pulled it out of the bag just like Lee.

I'd agree with the summation of ROG not having his best day, hasn't been having his best season TBH, but its a mark of the man that he was able to take the pretty brutal hammering he got in the first half (and by God was he targeted) and still produce the game-breaking goods. He also became the all time leading 6 Nations points scorer in this campaign. Its his own massively high standards that make us think he looks average in a game such as saturday's.

I thought, and I have yet to find someone who agrees with me, that it was very important for Donncha to be as 'physical' as he was. While handling the ball on the ground is amateurish, it does happen, especially in such a big game. I was actually urging him on when he went for Jones after his cynical (and it was cynical) trip on ROG in the first few minutes. This game was always going to be a physical contest between two aggressive packs. Welsh captain and pack leader nastily takes our playmaker and obvious defensive weak link out of it, colossal lock forward grabs him by the collar and lets him know in no uncertain terms that if its a fight they want to make of this, a fight you'll get and we will win it. Try to bully us and we'll more than stand up to you. A very important statement at an early stage.

Fair enough, they beat us in the scrum but we owned their line-out. Paulie - WOW!!

I think (I'll declare my loyalty to my beloved Munster) this is all down to Kidney. ROG said in his premature auto-biog that if he would gladly hang up his Irish jersey if he could keep winning with Munster and at the time I didn't disagree with him. Enter Kidney. A team that was so painfully obviously made up of two distinct camps, the Munster forwards and the Leinster backs, became the unit that we all wanted to see and the dividends have been reaped. You saw it in the french game, the forwards did the donkey work, the flair of the Leinster backs scored the tries and the best part was that they all celebrated together. Remember the joy on ROG's face as he congratulated O' Driscoll and D'arcy? You wouldn't have seen that before.

I was at the Argentina game last November and swore blind I'd never pay money to watch such s**t again. The only time the D4s cheered was when ROG made mistakes. It was a horrible experience. I was at the Munster/All-blacks game and the difference in support was phenonemal. I was out in Cork after the game saturday and there were a few Leinster boys in the hotel and it seems finally that they were supporting Ireland, not just the Leinster contingent, as much as I have warmed to Ireland and not just the Munster lads. Hopefully we can keep this going.

Long post, I know, but saturday and the whole campaign has been so good and so stirring.A Nation Once Again!!
I agree with just about all of that baldyman.
If a manager can't get O'Driscoll playing well that down to the manager as O'Driscoll puts 100% into every game.
I agree that Donncha needed to be (and was) very physical. His shortcomings in no way outweigh his contribution to the team.
The BS about Leinster and Munster comes from both sides. I have travelled to support Munster in Europe (even though I'm a Leinster supporter) and would always cheer for them against any foreign team. I remember being as a Munster game a few years back (quarter final in Landsdown Road) when Leinster were playing away. The general consensus amongst the Munster fans was that they would support anyone but Leinster.
That sort of stupid small-minded insecure attitude is disgraceful.
Purple, I'm with you there, O' Driscoll was the difference this time around, a joy to watch. Also, you're probably right about Munster not supporting Leinster, it's immature. In my mind, a certain Argentinian out-half/centre may have had a lot to do with that in recent years. Unfortunately, the view of Leinster rugby down here is that its an elitist sport that is the property of the well-heeled, cliquish D4 crowd (I'm generalising I know, but you get my point I hope!), whereas in Munster its open to all. I would shout for Leinster in a neutral game, moreso after this weekend than before. I always admired O'Driscoll, D'arcy, O'Kelly (what a soldier), et al. Honest players all.

We were just saying after the Scottish game that at the start of the season we all thought O' Connell should have been named as captain, as much to take the pressure off O' Driscoll as for selfish reasons but with the new set-up in the camp, O' Driscoll was the right choice. An inspirational player both to the team and all future players in the country.

Now, if I could just hold my temper anytime I'm out on Baggott St. when a drunken D4 tells me that I haven't a clue about rugby and don't have a right to follow and comment on a game I unfortunately never played....!
.. you're probably right about Munster not supporting Leinster, it's immature. In my mind, a certain Argentinian out-half/centre may have had a lot to do with that in recent years.

Chicken or egg ? AFAIK his uncomplimentary remarks about certain Munster players was based on their behaviour to him, i.e. the behaviour preceded the remarks.

Unfortunately, the view of Leinster rugby down here is that its an elitist sport that is the property of the well-heeled, cliquish D4 crowd (I'm generalising I know ..

Ironic, given that the leading AIL Leinster club over the past 10 years is not from D4, in fact it's just a long punt from the front garden of the O'Driscoll family home. Maybe 2 long punts .

The modesty and humility of the Irish players in their moment of glory is a tribute to their families, schools, clubs and all of those who have guided them so far.

Can you imagine the reaction of professional soccer players to a referee who operated in the way Wayne Barnes did to Ireland players on Saturday, and contrast with how the Irish players took it on the chin and didn't let it get to them ?
It's also worth noting that Leinster is a much better supported club at home with Munster getting better away support.
Ironic, given that the leading AIL Leinster club over the past 10 years is not from D4, in fact it's just a long punt from the front garden of the O'Driscoll family home. Maybe 2 long punts .

Indeed also worth mentioning the composition of the Leinster squad. 17 from Dublin, 15 from the surrounding counties and 9 foreign players.

Problem with the perception of Leinster rugby is that people still associate it with the elite schools but ignore the massive amount of work done by clubs in various parts of the provience.

Still who cares. What a weekend. All the players derserve massive credit for what they achieved. Would spare a thought though for all the players who came before and played during the bad years. Sunday Times had a very good article about Simon Geoghegan. Players like him and Keith Wood etc should enjoy this moment as well
No its because Munster fans haven't exactly taken the magners league to their hearts.

My old man has travelled all over the world to watch Munster play..even went to the tour in the US a few years ago.
Goes to a lot more away games than home ones, likes the social aspect of playing away
Chicken or egg ? AFAIK his uncomplimentary remarks about certain Munster players was based on their behaviour to him, i.e. the behaviour preceded the remarks.

According to who?? And even if that is true, does it forgive his and his fellow players antics after the world cup game? Don't get me wrong, I think he is a very good player, albeit more of a fair weather footballer. Couldn't handle the pressure in the HC game between the two sides. Don't take me up wrongly, I admire Leinster, just not that particular soon-to-be-former Leinster player.

Ironic, given that the leading AIL Leinster club over the past 10 years is not from D4, in fact it's just a long punt from the front garden of the O'Driscoll family home. Maybe 2 long punts .

Which is why I said I was generalising, its the perception. We have our own version of D4 in Cork.

The modesty and humility of the Irish players in their moment of glory is a tribute to their families, schools, clubs and all of those who have guided them so far.


Can you imagine the reaction of professional soccer players to a referee who operated in the way Wayne Barnes did to Ireland players on Saturday, and contrast with how the Irish players took it on the chin and didn't let it get to them ?

Whats the saying about soccer being a gentleman's game played by thugs?!!! A horrible excuse of a 'sport'.

It's also worth noting that Leinster is a much better supported club at home with Munster getting better away support.

Easier to get tickets for an away munster game! Got my home Magner's league and HC tickets for next season sorted, happy days.

No its because Munster fans haven't exactly taken the magners league to their hearts.


Or Leinster fans joining the Munster fans on-tour?

Yes, the ten of them do swell the ranks considerably.
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There's a story going around these parts that, a few years ago, a Sky reporter and camera team were in Cork and interviewed two local guys who were ecstatic after England had been beaten in some match that evening. The reporter asked the pair if they could ever see the time when they would support England in a match. The first guy replied that it simply would never happen but the second guy replied that the only time he could envisage himself supporting England would be if they were playing Kilkenny! A true story!
I think part of the reason Munster are supported better away is that Munster fans are everywhere. As a Corkonian living in Dublin, it's as easy timewise to get to the UK or France as it is to get home at a weekend for a match. Tickets are also easier to come by for away games, as is true for Ireland games.

As for supporting Leinster. I tried! I was even thinking of buying a season ticket so we decided to go to a few ML games to test it out, see if I could get behind Leinster as I can get to their games so much more easily. I tried and I just can't. It was the Leinster fans that put me off, I always seemed to end up around Ross O'Carroll Kelly-alikes!
Whats the saying about soccer being a gentleman's game played by thugs?!!! A horrible excuse of a 'sport'.

What is it about soccer that makes you consider and excuse of a sport?