Rude/ unhelpful shop assistants...


Registered User
I've often come upon references to "rude" or "unhelpful" shop assistants in various threads on AAM, which surprises me somewhat; in general I rarely have occasion to complain about customer service when shopping in Ireland. Am I just lucky or a little more tolerant (I doubt it).....
While there are some assistants who probably are in the wrong job, personally I think that if someone goes into a shop, rings a helpline etc when not already running late themselves, stressed etc the customer service is generally fine.

I guess my one gripe is that some of them won't go too much out of their way for you. E.g. in comparison to New York. Perhaps its a poor and unfair comparison as I don't know if shop assistants here earn commission on sales and New York assistants probably do and also probably irritate a lot of people who might think they are too pushy?

In general I find a smile goes a long way and definitely helps in all situations :)
Maybe the recession will improve the quality of service offered by Irish staff in some of our shops. Its not that people are rude but more couldn't be bothered.
Am I just lucky

Maybe - Don't know your location but I've certainly encountered this.
I do think a lot of this attitude is location dependent though - I've noticed staff are much worse in large towns or cities than in medium or smaller towns for example.

In very small towns or villages of course it makes no sense to be unhelpful or rude to anyone.
I think the attitude of consumers has probably deteriorated far more than the shop assistants. Shop assistants have to deal with far more surly rude individuals on a daily basis these days I would think and thats just from making observations at the back of the line.
My main gripe is assistants getting distracted while serving you! I'll be standing there, arm outstreched for my change and the phone s/he answers it, has a full conversation whilst jiggling my change in their hand! Or a collegue approaches and they have a bit of a natter while I'm standing there waiting (im)patiently.
The opposite can be annoying too.

I was in a shop yesterday and the sales assistant was so overpowering that I left. She happened to mention that she won't be there today so I'm going back after work to try on the dresses I was looking at before she scared me off.
Get it all the time in Ireland. I was in a furniture shop the other day wanting to buy 2, 2 seater sofas. The sales person went about it like it was more of a hassle to her to sell them to me. I left and took my business elsewhere.
I generally bypass as much as this as possible by buying online.
And yes, the US has incredible customer service because the customer is king over there. I'm of the opinion if you have a laugh with them over there, they're more helpful without going overboard trying to sell you the whole shop!
I find a little bit of product knowledge is enough to keep over zealous sales people in check!
What I find worse than rude or unhelpful shop assistants are the ones that deliberately don't give you what you ask for
... like giving you size 40 shoes when you ask for size 39 (presuming they know your feet better than you do)
... or the butcher who when you ask for a pound or mince says something along the lines of "it's a little bit over ..." ... as though you really looked like you needed a pound and a quarter to make spag bol ... you just didn't know it!

Give the customers what they want ... not what you think they want!!!!