Rude presenter on The cafe on RTE "childrens programme" "eurospa"

"Why do people always feel the need to tip toe around others with obvious disablities such as being deaf, blind, physically handicapped etc. They don't live in the deaf world they live in the real world, like us all. Granted people with disablities sometimes make us feel uncomfortable to be around because we don't know how to interact or go into PC overload, but surely everyone needs to relax a little. The emphasis of the word 'spa' on a kids show is improper because it is a swear word of sorts and kids shows should not promote bad language. The use of the word between adults is harmless enough in my opinion."
(sorry don't know how to do the blue thing but had to respond to this post...)

The use of the word 'spa' is to my mind totally inappropriate in any circumstance because of the negative connotations. You wouldn't use abusive racist or sexist language, I hope, using disabled 'slang' in a negative context is just as bad. Maybe you feel uncomfortable around disabled people because you don't know any? If you did you'd know that the easiest way to describe their circumstances (if you have to at all) is to say a person with; ie a person with a disability, a person with special needs, a person with Downs Syndrome etc etc. By doing this you are explaining what disability the person has, without implying that the disability is the most significant thing about them. A person with Downs Syndrome is also a brother, a son, a friend, a student or whatever. And please don't label me 'PC' for writing this post - the phrase PC has been devalued and abused to the extent that it's almost meaningless, IMHO.
So how are we going to help young people to 'be stronger'. I don't think there are simple solutions here - you can't just tell someone with depression to 'pull yourself together'.

I'm no angel, mind you - particularly when cycling through Dublin - I've probably accused many drivers of being blind/deaf/thick etc.
speirbhean said:
(sorry don't know how to do the blue thing but had to respond to this post...)
Click the button on the lower left, on the post you want to quote.
So how are we going to help young people to 'be stronger'. I don't think there are simple solutions here - you can't just tell someone with depression to 'pull yourself together'.

All i'm saying is, if my daughter/son came to me crying that they were called fat or were mocked for a disability I would Yes, counter act the criticism(s) by reassurance that (s)he is not fat and is beautiful. But what I mean is most parents (imo) would leave it at that and go on with the day but that won't solve anything. So I think we should educate ppl why they are mocked that's all. Especially children because a child does not realise why (s)he is being picked on, they don't realise that the bully is insecure about something taking part in his/her life. You get me? Maybe it would be difficult to explain this to a child but a grown up should understand.

I'm not saying we should just say "Pull together!", "Grow Up!", or "Be A Man!" that would be ignorant i think. But tell the person why they have no need to be afraid because they are being mocked by a coward who is afraid to accept the bad things in his/her life. That's all.

I'm basing this all on the assumption that mental health problems are not hereditary and is a result of surroundings?
The use of the word between adults is harmless enough in my opinion.
Would you consider it acceptable to use the word Spa in the company of an adult with Cerebral palsy?

There was an article in yesterdays Evening Herald page 20 under the headline: RTE apologises for offensive teen show hosts.
The producer of the show has also taken the stream of the show off the RTE website.
Re: Rude presenter on The cafe on RTE

Point taken but I think you get what I am saying .
Is the OP still going to watch "The Cafe" in future?We are only watching because the cafe team where at my childs school and she might be on the telly, other than that we dont watch it,
Many people with certain conditions might not consider themselves less fortunate than others!
Re: Rude presenter on The cafe on RTE

Point taken but I think you get what I am saying .
Is the OP still going to watch "The Cafe" in future?We are only watching because the cafe team where at my childs school and she might be on the telly, other than that we dont watch it,
Sorry - you're not making sense. Again.
Re: Rude presenter on The cafe on RTE

Sorry - you're not making sense. Again.
Is the OP still going to watch "The Cafe" in future? << That was my question on one of my prior posts but the user cannot multiquote my message as well as your one,(lack of knowledge i guess) So dodo just copied my question and put his/her answer next to it. You see?
I'm basing this all on the assumption that mental health problems are not hereditary and is a result of surroundings?

Then you have formulated your opinions on a false premise. Start again and actually educate yourself about the issue or else don't offer such strong opinions.
The problem with calling a disabled person a spa is that just like any other term aimed at a section of society of group of people (be they homosexual, a different race or a different religion); we loose our ability to empathise with them on a human level and so it is easier to hate or ridicule them.
Re: Rude presenter on The cafe on RTE

Correct, I am not really good when it comes to Technology or spelling but that does not make me stupid as hinted on some previous post's, I wish I could have stayed on longer in school but such is life.
Re: Rude presenter on The cafe on RTE

Correct, I am not really good when it comes to Technology or spelling but that does not make me stupid as hinted on some previous post's, I wish I could have stayed on longer in school but such is life.
Who hinted that you were stupid?
Re: Rude presenter on The cafe on RTE

Then you have formulated your opinions on a false premise. Start again and actually educate yourself about the issue or else don't offer such strong opinions.
Apologies!. A bit of research and it proves i am incorrect, although according to the webMD surroundings are a big factor. So I over looked many other cause of mental illness.
Re: Rude presenter on The cafe on RTE

Yes - and the best way to improve spelling is to break the word up into syllables.
Surely a little more tolerance of minor spelling mistakes is called for, particularly when someone admits they have a problem with spelling.
The following highlights the ability of the brain to decipher even badly spelt words.
Aoccdrnig to rseerach at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh?
PS: Hwo'd yuo lkie to run tihs by yuor sepll ckehcer?
Good point, I agree. I can't spell so I use spell check. I suggested it for those who are self-conscious about spelling.
It's not even necessary to compose in Word to spell check - in the upper right hand corner of your 'composing box' (ABC with a 'tick' mark) you will find a spell check tool.
If you can't spell why not write your post in Microsoft Word, use the spell checker and cut and paste after that?

People dat pull others people up because of they're speeling on internet forums really bug me - its an informal forum not leaving cert English - get over it - very immature attitude!