RTE website Search option


Registered User
I am a novice.. how does this work? There is a Date and then a series of numbers 1 2 3 4 etc. Does 1 stand for today
I'm not entirely sure what numbers you're referring to, but I'd assume you mean the ones on the top right of the bar (12345>>) just above the results, to the right of the Date?

If so, it's simply the page numbers for the search returned.

If you're sorting by Date, it will mean that 1 refers to the most recent dates (not necessarily today) and older entries listed after this.

If you sort by Relevance, 1 will refer to the most relevant results and less relevant as you go through to deeper pages.
Hi dewdrop

I just did a search for osama bin laden and got a pretty useless search result. As with many websites, including askaboutmoney, the internal search function is not very useful. Use Google to search just the RTE site by typing in the following and you will get a much more meaningful result:

site:www.rte.ie osama bin laden
