rte showing dole queues


Registered User
I always feel somewhat disturbed by rte news' camerawork, in relation to dole queues and unemployment in Ireland. Usually start with an angle showing the length of the queue - fair enough. Then they seem to do a close up, down along the queue, showing peoples faces. I find it somewhat disrespectful and invasive- people are obviously uncomfortable, and don't want this intrusion. I don't understand how rte can justify using people in this way to sensationalise the news.
hmm. that's truie actually. It is quite a bit invasive actually. Perhaps they give a warning in advance pr something?
hmm. that's truie actually. It is quite a bit invasive actually. Perhaps they give a warning in advance pr something?

That leaves people with a choice of leaving and losing their place in the queue or being zoomed in on on the nine o'clock news. They should treat people with some respect.
I was thinking this same point during the week when an RTE camera zoned in on a number of women leaving their workplace who were holding umbrellas in a manner that suggested that they did not wish to be identified. It is invasive to show those people leaving their workplace when they have just been made redundant. If people consent then obviously this if fine.

I also think that photographs by newspaper photographers of people standing in queues is very intrusive.

Many people are vulnerable when they are made redundant and should not be exploited.

Ive absolutely no time for the media and their intrusive behaviour in peoples lives in this manner.

I experienced the negative side of it myself after a family death that made the newspapers, journalists stalking the house and flashing flashbulbs in my face when I opened the front door - this at a time of grief - its disgraceful.

Fair enough if they want to film a dole queue from a distance, but should not be showing footage that identifies anyone without express permission of those people.

Shower of vultures if you ask me.
If you do something in a public space -- for example, on a street -- I think you are fair game to be photographed or filmed. There are limits to that: for example, no photographer should obstruct people, and no image should be used so as to give a false impression.

If you are in private space, such as your own home or an office, you should not be photographed or filmed for publication without express or clearly implied permission (smiling for a news camera, for example, clearly implies permission).

Where people are forced into a public space against their wishes, the rules of private space should apply. People queuing to sign on are forced on to the street because the SW offices do not have enough room for them. They are entitled to their privacy.
They used to film from a distance or from behind so people's faces wouldn't be seen - I remember this from the last time we had huge unemployment queues, but obviously something has changed in broadcasting. Same for the non-Irish nationals who had to queue outside the Garda National Immigration Bureau a few years ago to get papers renewed - their faces weren't hidden.
Rte are media whores like the rest of them. Its not about what they should do, its about what they can do to get people to watch their shows.

Not one medium outlet has an ounce of morals, they sometimes claim they do but normally they only protest their moral nature when it means they will get more coverage for doing so. These people are shameless. Hide behind the whole "doing my job" or people are "fair game" in these instances.

Nothing like a good BS reason why you should be allowed to totally disrespect vunerable people. I dont know how some of these vultures live with themselves . .