RTE show - Rising after Redundancy


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Rising after redundancy,have you watched it?

The last programme of "Rising after redundancy ",was shown last night.

I have watched most of the shows,but am sure Ive missed at least one of them.

Most folk trying to " Rise " after redundancy would not have the opportunity that the participants on the show had,ie the guy from Dundalk, got to have a meeting with Packie Bonner and the FAI.

They were given these opportunitys as participants of a programme and fair play to them,but it did make the course they took part in ,seem much more successful than it actually would be under normal circumstances?

Now what chance would the rest of us have of that!
Did you watch it? IF so what did you think of it?
I watched some of the episodes but not all. My initial reaction was that the participants were very brave to take part and to talk about their problems in front of the nation. It was interesting to get an idea of what it would be like to meet with a career coach. At the same time, this is tv and so I am delighted for the participants that they did get "extra" help.
I bet there was no mention of the formerly self employed who have had the doors of opportunity well and truly slammed in their faces by this inept government... No rights to claim ANY benefits being self employed means that in no way shape or form do they qualfy to participate on any kind of retraining or educational courses whatso ever, simply because they are not part of the "Live Register"
To merely be able to claim one single euro's job seekers allowance opens a plethero of opportunity, retraining and help in using those obvious entrepenurial skills to start a new venture. But because they are the "Self Employed" it suits to let them rot and give them precisely nothing, give billions upon billions to the bankers but let the army of self employed who helped to build this country go to hell in a hand cart.
Has anyone else been watching this show - see [broken link removed]

I know one of the participants, so it has a kind-of voyeuristic attraction for me. However, I really don't think they are getting great advice from their coach.

It seems to be largely touchy-feely follow your dream type advice. I feel they need something a little more hard-edged and realistic, like 'Get a job first, then you can look for your dream job'.
I have only seen bits of it but I agree with you. I got made redundant once in London and my employer set me up with one of these coaches. I lasted two days. A colleague of mine went in and said his dream was to make a pop record. The guy told him that he should follow his dream and set about seeing how he could do it. He was 38, bald and fat. Needless to say, he didn't make his record but got a good laugh out of it.
I only watched three quarters of the first episode as it was so bad I had to turn it off. It was really drawn out and the life coach had absolutely no charisma which is kind of important in his line of work !
RTE Programme

Hi, I watched the programme once. I thought I was watching an American Angelical show. There were certainly a lot of dreamers in it.
With 400,000 unemployed we really must see that there is no need for all these work coaches and we must scale down FAS to its core function of training a limited number of tradesmen etc.
Some of the work coaches may be good at what they do but at the end of the day the employer will just choose one of the unemployed anyway whether it is the coaches candidate or not,
The State has no buisness in subsidising some candidates to work for free for a period whilst other unemployed candidates cannot offer this perk to companies that are hiring.
This is all a PR stunt to give the impression to unemployed people that if they got this coaching they could get the job they want.You might as well say that if all the soccer players in ireland got specialist coaching they could play for ireland,ignoring the fact that there are only 11 players in the team just as the jobs available in a recession are limited.
The coaches do all right though because they get paid.