RTE show - I want a garden

I like some of DGs designs, but as a trained horticulturist he does little to inspire people to garden ... his choice of plants are mundane and uninspired (another box ball anyone ...?) ... what will happen when people who admit they haven't got a clue about gardening get a garden ... will they let it die? Would you give someone a pet who hadn't got a clue how to look after it? IMHO if you wanted an extra room in your house build and extension ... if you want a garden, get out and start planting.
his choice of plants are mundane and uninspired (another box ball anyone ...?)
Or another conical bay laurel....
I agree Henny Penny, the vast majority of DGs designs are more about shapes and less about flower / fruit colour, seasonal change etc.
I suppose the thinking is that bold built structures and shaped plants have an instant look that translate well to the gardening exibition or the TV

if you want a garden, get out and start planting.
True words.
I believe that once you put that one plant in the ground and it becomes your baby, you will get the gardening bug.
I have often worked for house owners who began with no interest in gardening. Meet them two years later and they would surprise you with the joy and mass they now have in their gardens. Along the lines of....."jees my Escallonia hedge flowered much better than my Cotoneaster this year"
This program really annoys me too... All DG does is draw a picture and leave the houseowner hire and fire contractors etc. Then DG comes back a couple of weeks later to see the progress and says something like "No- I wanted that wall 50 cm further north of the patio" and makes the poor fella doubt himself and rip it up and re-do it!!

That Bettystown one just ended up looking like Clara-Lara meets Pirates cove crazy golf I think...
I never heard of the 2m rule either. If I remember correctly its about 500mm in the Building Regs. (or at least that is when I would start reaching for the Building Regs Books)

Thats correct,
Guarding /railing is a legal requirement if the drop is 600mm ( 2 feet) or greater. Send the building inspector out to that lady and she'll have a valid reason for crying.
Thats correct,
Guarding /railing is a legal requirement if the drop is 600mm ( 2 feet) or greater. Send the building inspector out to that lady and she'll have a valid reason for crying.

Well we can all agree it was a hell of a lot higher than 2 feet...