RTE salaries

RTE is yet another example of a government body being run for the benefit of the heavily unionised staff, rather than the taxpayers.

This comment is not true and if it were about say the non national community or the gay community it would be slated and probably deleted. But, as it anti trades union it appears there is no problem.

Pat Kenny, Marion Finucane, Joe Duffy etc are box office repeat box office. RTE makes a fortune through advertising on their programmes. They are head and shoulders above some of the shock jocks on other radio channels. They earn their money and if you think you can do the same well, just attend one of Marion's courses and start applying for jobs in RTE.
This comment is not true and if it were about say the non national community or the gay community it would be slated and probably deleted. But, as it anti trades union it appears there is no problem.
That's some leap. Not agreeing with a vested interest group that seeks to put its members at an economic advantage which hurts other people is not the same as being racist or homophobic.

I don’t know where to start with that.
...just attend one of Marion's courses and start applying for jobs in RTE.

Good point - I had overlooked the fact that their RTE income stream is but a single source of income, in addition to the supermarket openings, public appearences and "courses".

As for the comment about non-nationals. Well, that really is one heck of a leap!
There seems to be a lack of talent on RTE radio.

Many presenters are pretty over rated.

They think the BBC will snap them up.

Good point - I had overlooked the fact that their RTE income stream is but a single source of income, in addition to the supermarket openings, public appearences and "courses".

I really can't see the problem with that. Teachers give grinds, electricians do extra jobs in the evenings, professionals do lecturing etc etc
It should be pointed out that the salaries that so exercise people & prompted this thread are paid to self employed contractors who negotiate their own salaries - there is no Union involvement.
It should be pointed out that the salaries that so exercise people & prompted this thread are paid to self employed contractors who negotiate their own salaries - there is no Union involvement.

Less of the facts please Deiseblue

It should be pointed out that the salaries that so exercise people & prompted this thread are paid to self employed contractors who negotiate their own salaries - there is no Union involvement.

Why these people are not on PAYE is anyones guess.
It should be pointed out that the salaries that so exercise people & prompted this thread are paid to self employed contractors who negotiate their own salaries - there is no Union involvement.

Although many of their top presenters are contractors, RTE remains a heavily unionised environment. I expect you will find that most or all of the contractor presenters are NUJ members. During previous RTE strikes, these people have generally been absent from screens & airwaves.

There is no doubt that RTE employees are lucky in that the majority of them are fortunate to be able to avail of Union representation.

However , it is equally true that the salaries of their highest earners , which prompted this thread , are negotiated by those presenters with their employers directly as self employed contractors without Union involvement
However , it is equally true that the salaries of their highest earners , which prompted this thread , are negotiated by those presenters with their employers directly as self employed contractors without Union involvement

And non-unionised, Ryanair staff got a 10% payrise recently too. Time to ditch the union people!!

Seriously though, what you have pointed out may be true, but it's easy enough to pay someone 500k when you are spending someone else's money!

In RTE's case:

Advertising Revenue + License Fee (taxpayer funded) - Costs = Taxpayer Funded Shortfall

Take away this Taxpayer Funded Shortfall and then you'd see what RTE is really made of.
Couldn't agree with you more Firefly !

The only aim of my original post was to nail the canard that the Unions had any role to play in negotiating the pay of self employed contractors earning the level of salaries that prompted this thread.
Couldn't agree with you more Firefly !

The only aim of my original post was to nail the canard that the Unions had any role to play in negotiating the pay of self employed contractors earning the level of salaries that prompted this thread.

I think RTE are delighted that this is the only discussion that takes place about them because it hides the real problems at the station.

In RTE's case:

Advertising Revenue + License Fee (taxpayer funded) - Costs = Taxpayer Funded Shortfall

Take away this Taxpayer Funded Shortfall and then you'd see what RTE is really made of.

Agree 100%

Hence, we all need to start putting presure on the Minister to take responsibility and sort this out ... it's long overdue and better value for cuts need to come, in terms of either cost savings at RTE or by removing a non-performing Minister !

Come on people, start complaining and lets see if we can force the Minister to do his job ....


Mr. Earl.

Do you honestly think that Minister Rabbitte, a SIPTU stalwart and former president of Sinn Fein (the Workers Party), has even the slightest bit of interest in addressing the egregious levels of overpayment in RTE (or indeed, anywhere in the public service)?

Sadly, I think not
No politician would be stupid enough to take on the Public Sector Broadcaster.
Hi Purple / Celebtastic,

It's the type of attitude that you are both displaying, which is replicated by a large majority of Irish people and hence, we continue to have to suffer the problems we have ....

It's long past time both of you and many many others started to speak out against whats wrong in this country .... Rabitte will act, if he think's he's out of a job if he doesn't do something, as with all politicans !


Mr. Earl.